what did you do for work experience at school?

30 Sep 2009
not sure if every school offered this fantastic insight into the working world? about this time in 1995, i was placed on a 2 week work experience placement with wyre forest dc at their kidderminster offices. i spent 2 weeks filing and reading the paper, really gave me a taste of the working world and how little i wanted to be a part of it. the highlight of it, was the 99p five item breakfast i would treat myself to in littlewoods each morning.
Worked for Travis Perkins in the office. Was okay, but made me realise I definitely don't want an office job
Worked in a book shop and stacked shelves, sat on the till etc. Was great in that it made me realise retail was not the job for me.

They did give me a copy of Word Gets Around by the Stereophonics when I left though :D
Worked for a local computer repair shop, when I was in to that sort of thing. Got a job there for a few years afterwards. Pay was awful, but I did get to go out with one of the older guys to do on site repairs, and his car was awesome.

Second time, when I was 18, flew over to Italy to be a teaching assistant in an English language summer school, which is more what I'm actually going in to myself. Who knew it'd actually be relevant?
Worked for a Housing company doing all sorts from, plans and designing to sewage calculations etc. Was awesome work and I then did work for them during the summer break from Uni. In turn they paid for my Tuition fees and then after uni I went to work for them for 4 years doing all there 3D computer modelling of the houses. Really enjoyed it and gave a great starting career.
Oh goodness this post is going to bring on some nastiness..

But I worked down RAF Lynham for a week. Servicing Hercules aircraft.

During the week

1) Got all over the aircraft .. I was interested at the time - quite good fun. Mostly involving a grease gun!
2) Got about 15 flights .. basically as many flights as I wanted they just booked me in with the crew (so was in the cockpit throughout). And it wasn't boring as they were practicing 'engine outs', 'tight turns', 'low drops', 'short landings' etc. I can honestly say there was virutally no straight, level flying!! It was friggin' awesome apart from when I felt sick. I was also patched into the instructors radio so I could hear him rollocking the pilots which was great.
3) Had a go MYSELF in the hercules simulator. Which defies words. Stalled. Crashed. Lol'ed! Did you know you can ONLY fly night flights .. as 'these are more difficult than day flights, so whats the point of simulating day flights?'!!!
4) The last day I was there was a day before an airshow. All the F16, F18 (etc) pilots did their routines (which I watched whilst sunbathing on the wing of a Hercules) then they landed and came over and chatted to us all about their fighters for about 3 hours. Which was great as I really wanted to be RAF at that time.

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I worked at a garden centre in the pet shop, doing all the menial tasks like cleaning out the animal cages, sweeping up, and stacking shelves. :( On the first day the manager asked me what my agreed hours were; nothing had been agreed and I stupidly said 9-5. :mad: Most of the day was spent sitting around doing nothing.

Edit: no pay either.
Filing at an insurance company.

No conversation, help, or guidance. Utter waste of a week. Was fun writing it up in class though.

"My work experience taught me..."
worked at a primary school, I wanted to go to a vets....

It was *****!

Please fully star out all swearing in future. Thank you.
I got to work at Barclays BZW (Financial Trading) for two weeks through family contacts. Got paid £240pw which was good for a 16 year old back in 1995!

I found out that I hated London and I hated Financial Trading so now work in IT out in the sticks instead.
Oh goodness this post is going to bring on some nastiness..

But I worked down RAF Lynham for a week. Servicing Hercules aircraft.

During the week

1) Got all over the aircraft .. I was interested at the time - quite good fun. Mostly involving a grease gun!
2) Got about 15 flights .. basically as many flights as I wanted they just booked me in with the crew (so was in the cockpit throughout). And it wasn't boring as they were practicing 'engine outs', 'tight turns', 'low drops', 'short landings' etc. I can honestly say there was virutally no straight, level flying!! It was friggin' awesome apart from when I felt sick. I was also patched into the instructors radio so I could hear him rollocking the pilots which was great.
3) Had a go MYSELF in the hercules simulator. Which defies words. Stalled. Crashed. Lol'ed!
4) The last day I was there was a day before an airshow. All the F16, F18 (etc) pilots did their routines (which I watched whilst sunbathing on the wing of a Hercules) then they landed and came over and chatted to us all about their fighters for about 3 hours. Which was great as I really wanted to be RAF at that time.


When did you do a 3G negative dive (inverted) with a MIG?
Oh goodness this post is going to bring on some nastiness..

But I worked down RAF Lynham for a week. Servicing Hercules aircraft.

During the week

1) Got all over the aircraft .. I was interested at the time - quite good fun.
2) Got about 15 flights .. basically as many flights as I wanted. And it wasn't boring as they were practicing 'engine outs', 'tight turns', 'low drops', 'short landings' etc. It was friggin' awesome apart from when I felt sick
3) Had a go MYSELF in the hercules simulator. Which defies words. Stalled. Crashed. Lol'ed!
4) The last day I was there was a day before an airshow. All the F16, F18 (etc) pilots did their routines (which I watched whilst sunbathing on the wing of a Hercules) then they landed and came over and chatted to us all about their fighters for about 3 hours. Which was great as I really wanted to be RAF at that time.


right, britboy, i think you're alright and your 'is this girl real' thread you did was enlightening as to your persona. did this really happen? how on earth did you manage to get this sort of work experience? you got 15 flights? were you in the cadets and contacted up or something?
I worked for two weeks in the Accounts Department of a seed warehouse, doing filing, invoicing, and data entry. The highlight was the second week when I got to do some stock taking.
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