Oh goodness this post is going to bring on some nastiness..
But I worked down RAF Lynham for a week. Servicing Hercules aircraft.
During the week
1) Got all over the aircraft .. I was interested at the time - quite good fun. Mostly involving a grease gun!
2) Got about 15 flights .. basically as many flights as I wanted they just booked me in with the crew (so was in the cockpit throughout). And it wasn't boring as they were practicing 'engine outs', 'tight turns', 'low drops', 'short landings' etc. I can honestly say there was virutally no straight, level flying!! It was friggin' awesome apart from when I felt sick. I was also patched into the instructors radio so I could hear him rollocking the pilots which was great.
3) Had a go MYSELF in the hercules simulator. Which defies words. Stalled. Crashed. Lol'ed!
4) The last day I was there was a day before an airshow. All the F16, F18 (etc) pilots did their routines (which I watched whilst sunbathing on the wing of a Hercules) then they landed and came over and chatted to us all about their fighters for about 3 hours. Which was great as I really wanted to be RAF at that time.