What does this NForce 4 driver dp?

18 Oct 2002
Hi, I tried to get Vista to install into my NF7-S based system a few weeks ago.
I got it all going apart from no success with running games.
I know that Nvidia are not releasing any official drivers but I read that you should give the Nforce 4 SMBUS drivers a go.
As I look at the Nforce 4 package for Vista 32 bit does anyone know what this driver does?

SMU (v1.23) WHQL

Also what does the SMBUS driver do??

Any useful suggestions to get Vista up and running on my system would be appreciated!!

Regards, PeterT
Yes, I tried the Nforce 2 drivers to produce a system that was sluggish. I read this morning that people had more success using the Nforce 4 driver.

Ahh, rite im with you.

I suspect your gaming problems may be sue to a lack of AGP driver. Not sure where you'd get it from tho
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