What film did you watch last night?

If you haven't seen it... watch 'the girl next door'. It was advertised as being smutty and american pie-esque. In reality it was quite sweet and had a lot of heart :)

Most of it was comedy than romantic. More like typical teenage comedy. Eli and the tripod. There was a lot of awww moments. It was an early role for whats her name… Olivia Wilde.
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watched Godzilla last night, pile of crap!
Watched Noah today, needless to say i was bored.
Watching the Longest day in 5 minutes , awsome film
Red Lights

3/10. Bit of mess really which is a shame as there probably had been quite of lot of research in the script. In most cases - director, writer, editor and producer being the same person is a bad idea and that's evident in this film.
Casablanca (70th Anniversary Blu-ray 4K transfer): The cast, cinematography, script are superb. If anything it gets better with age, this film is at the top of the tree, a masterpiece. 10/10.
Saw these as a double bill at the Cinema last night -

Sin City - 8/10 - This is a great film, even though it has a few issues, but as an overall experience I really enjoyed it. The CGI is fantastic, the script is tight and the majority of the acting is OK.

Sin City 2 - 6/10 - For me this spent far too long on the Eva Green story (about 1/2 to 2/3 of the running time it felt like) and while the main actors (Green/Brolin) did a fantastic job it just felt like far too much time with them. The other 2 stories (Gordon-Levitt/Alba) were well done except for the conclusion of the 1st (Gordon-Levitt) which was confusing. To be fair the amount of time allocated to the "main" story meant that the other two felt rushed and the film suffered for it. It would also have been nice to have at least one other story in there too. The 3D was very well done, almost un-noticeable, and the CGI was very good as usual. The script felt well written for the most part and the overall acting was better than the original I'd say.

Here's a strange complaint, and I promise this'll make sense if you watch the film even if it sounds completely wrong right now - There's too much Eva Green nudity :eek: - There's a few occasions where it's necessary (and enjoyable :D) but I'd say she spends about 50% of her scenes nude/topless for no purpose other than to see her nude/topless. They don't add anything and seem thrown in "just because" which makes them look out of place and jarring to the story. Told you it'd sound crazy!
Man of steel.

More Scfi than super hero for me. Hard to see them ever recapping the sense of scale and awe that the character once had when he first came to the big screen.

Just doing super things with the regular tropes isn't realy exiciting these days. Very middle of the road...5/10 for a solid production, but no magic in it.
Captain America 2...so much better than the first effort, in the top 3 marvel movies for sure. They've finally made Cap look like an actual superhero, he felt limp in CA1 and Avengers. 9/10
Noah - 7.5/10

I saw some of the critics slate this film, but I thought sod it I'll see what it's like, and I'm glad I did, it have me thoroughly engrossed the whole way through, suspenseful and gripping, I thought it was fantastic and underrated, sure.. the story was a bit crazy in places, but loved it all the same.
Man of steel.

More Scfi than super hero for me. Hard to see them ever recapping the sense of scale and awe that the character once had when he first came to the big screen.

Just doing super things with the regular tropes isn't realy exiciting these days. Very middle of the road...5/10 for a solid production, but no magic in it.

I'm currently 35 mins into it, and It's ok so far, nothing major impressive.
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