American Sniper 5/10 - badly scripted propaganda movie with stellar performance from lead actor. No questions, no answers, just pure "America, **** yeah!" and that's it.
The Imitation Game 7/10 - tear jerking biopic that doesn't rise above what is expected from a tear jerking biopic plot wise bar the great performance from leading actor. Historically it's about as inaccurate as any British production about Enigma has ever been, not only omitting the fact that Bletchley Park's task was based on work done by foreign cryptographers, but in addition to attributing all the math to Turing, it credits him with solely designing the Bombe, using just a single passing reference to Rajewski's mechanical design Bombe mimicked and never mentioning Gordon Welchman's modification at all.
The Theory Of Everything - 9/10 - well, that just made all biopics this year completely pointless.
The Imitation Game 7/10 - tear jerking biopic that doesn't rise above what is expected from a tear jerking biopic plot wise bar the great performance from leading actor. Historically it's about as inaccurate as any British production about Enigma has ever been, not only omitting the fact that Bletchley Park's task was based on work done by foreign cryptographers, but in addition to attributing all the math to Turing, it credits him with solely designing the Bombe, using just a single passing reference to Rajewski's mechanical design Bombe mimicked and never mentioning Gordon Welchman's modification at all.
The Theory Of Everything - 9/10 - well, that just made all biopics this year completely pointless.