What film did you watch last night?

Gone girl - 5/10 - When it finished I got that feeling of "why did I waste 2 hours watching this". Could have been so much better, but all in all, I thought it was terrible. Ben Afleck was poor. I'm only giving it a 5 (and this is generous), as Emily Ratajkowski got her knockers out, albeit in the dark and only for a few seconds. Then again I'd probably rather be put through Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines video to see more of them than watch that film again...

Was surprised by your rating. Haven't seen it but it's gotten very decent write ups from most critics. Must be a love it or hate it kinda deal.
Headhunters - very dark and funny Norwegian thriller about a professional headhunter trying to recruit a new boss for a GPS company while leading a double life as an art thief for whom everything falls apart quite quickly. 5/5

glad more people are checking this out. I highly recommend all in this thread to watch this film. i was really really surprised as to how good it was
i welled up in two parts and there were another three incidents that were very strong but that adds to the film but i was a little dissapointed it didn't focus more on his condition tbh as i think that adds to his achievment.

it focuses a lot on his wife and her struggle to cope. she is more of a lead than him imo.

Well, it is based on her memoir, after all.
Aliens (1986)

I watched the blu-ray of this on my projector last night having seen the original last week. It's still amazing all these years on. You can tell how almost every scene and line has since inspired some computer game or more recent sci-fi movie. It's one of the best but I still prefer the original for its horror factor and more artistic direction. There's almost nothing in it though.

Well i watched John Wick last night. Never heard of it and was recommended by a couple of friends. WOW What a fantastic action movie. Yes, not the most original but i loved every minute of it. (Ok well a couple of mins almost made me cry) OK Its not going to win any oscars for best acting but deffo worth a watch for some serious beatings, shootings and violence. 9/10
2 films on sunday were the last 2 I watched.

The Thing (2011).

The Thing (82') is my fave sci-fi movie so I didn't want to watch the prequel in case it sucked. Few years later I caved and bought the bluray.
I enjoyed it. Not on par with the 82' version (mostly due to CGI simply not being as cool for the creature as the practical effects were). Still, decent modern prequel to a classic.

Big Hero 6

I didn't even know what this was but stuck it on just because I'd heard a few YT people I follow mention it. I'd never heard of it before that.
Not normally into childrens animated movies at all - Toy Story 1 being the only one I know of that I liked but I have to say this was a really good film. I was very impressed. My wife was studying next to me and at the end she said 'well I read about 50 words'.
And she dislikes these movies more than me usually.

Will add it to my bluray collection when it finally gets released over here in the future.
Agree with American Sniper - very enjoyable and while I'm sure some of the exploits within are embellished slightly for film, it was an interesting insight into a snipers life!

Gone Girl I'd disagree with though - I quite enjoyed it right up until the end - quite an interesting premise and I didn't think Ben Afleck did a bad job at all! (although he's never been my favourite actor so maybe I just wasn't expecting much!?!?)

The issue I had with it was the end was very "meh" - felt like I did with No Country For Old Men - nice build up with basically no ending!

The ending was terrible, without wanting to spoil it for anyone else, I just thought all that effort just wasn't worth it.

Was surprised by your rating. Haven't seen it but it's gotten very decent write ups from most critics. Must be a love it or hate it kinda deal.

I think it is, the other half went to see it in the pictures and loved it, I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I over analyse too much when I watch films like this. But the ending really grinded my gears.
Well i watched John Wick last night. Never heard of it and was recommended by a couple of friends. WOW What a fantastic action movie. Yes, not the most original but i loved every minute of it. (Ok well a couple of mins almost made me cry) OK Its not going to win any oscars for best acting but deffo worth a watch for some serious beatings, shootings and violence. 9/10

The only thing that let it down slightly was the final confrontation IMO.

I felt that revenge on the perpetrators was far too swift. Those guys deserved to suffer a bit more :D :eek:
American Sniper - 9/10 - Brilliant film, and another excellent performance from Bradley Cooper.

I hope the fake baby gets a nomination. :p

This is what happens when you don't have a back-up kid for the back-up kid.

I like the actress trying not to laugh when she hands the doll over. :D

I think it is, the other half went to see it in the pictures and loved it, I just couldn't get into it. Maybe I over analyse too much when I watch films like this. But the ending really grinded my gears.

That's fair enough. I'm just interested in batfleck TBH, want to see his acting chops before Bats v. Supes comes out.
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2 films on sunday were the last 2 I watched.

The Thing (2011).

The Thing (82') is my fave sci-fi movie so I didn't want to watch the prequel in case it sucked. Few years later I caved and bought the bluray.
I enjoyed it. Not on par with the 82' version (mostly due to CGI simply not being as cool for the creature as the practical effects were). Still, decent modern prequel to a classic.

The 82 verson of the thing is in my top ten films, I was similar to you on not wanting to watch the sequel.

I agree with what you say, it is a decent film.

Regardings Rings, I see some posts have been deleted, mods will be glad to know you can get it legally. I was reading the imdb message board and theres a direct download link to a short film preservation society or something.

I watched nothing last night due to a migraine, annoyingly I planned to watch X men days of future past but its a touch late.

Think I will rent Theory of everything when it's out, mrs does not want to see it at all.
The only thing that let it down slightly was the final confrontation IMO.

I felt that revenge on the perpetrators was far too swift. Those guys deserved to suffer a bit more :D :eek:

Yes I agree on both accounts but was fun to see. The fight and gun scenes were amazingly well paced and done.

Oh and it definately had one of the best lines in any film.. I will let you decide which one:D

a classic.

Big Hero 6

I didn't even know what this was but stuck it on just because I'd heard a few YT people I follow mention it. I'd never heard of it before that.
Not normally into childrens animated movies at all - Toy Story 1 being the only one I know of that I liked but I have to say this was a really good film. I was very impressed. My wife was studying next to me and at the end she said 'well I read about 50 words'.
And she dislikes these movies more than me usually.

Will add it to my bluray collection when it finally gets released over here in the future.

I didn't care for it, i know we're hardly the target audience but something about it grated on me. Had to switch it off, wanted to punch the kid through the screen, his mother too:eek:
Watched 2 films at the cinema today

American Sniper 8/10 very enjoyable, especially once it finally got to Iraq

Taken 3 7/10 felt it was better than second and different enough to be worth seeing
John Wick - 3/10

Awful in almost every respect. Dumb revenge story with lots of gun action. Basically 90 minutes of Keanu Reeves shooting everyone in the head.
I hope the fake baby gets a nomination. :p

This is what happens when you don't have a back-up kid for the back-up kid.

I like the actress trying not to laugh when she hands the doll over. :D

That's fair enough. I'm just interested in batfleck TBH, want to see his acting chops before Bats v. Supes comes out.

Fake baby was so obvious it was rather cringey!

Ben Afleck as Batman will be dreadful, it's a given.
American Sniper 8/10

Very enjoyable but let down by being a little to patriotic for me and I felt it wasn't perhaps the most accurate portrayal of this story. I would love to have seen this directed by Kathryn Bigelow just to see how she presented it.
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