What film did you watch last night?

Victor Frankenstein. Max Landis' screenplay of Max Landis' screen story of Max Landis' interpretation of Mary Shelley's famous novel based on Mary Shelley's nightmare.

Starring James Macavoy, Daniel Ratcliffe, and Jennifer 'Jason' Findleigh, this lively tale in the popular and well established horror/rom-com/drama/sci fi genre will delight and inform viewers of all ages.


The Martian - superb performance from Damon, great imagery and well almost a NASA docudrama, enjoyed every minute of it. 8/10

It was a load of pretentious ****.
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Metallica - Through the Never. Essentially an hour and a half of a Metallica concert intertwined with an odd and somewhat unnecessary story sequence. Visually a treat, with a variety of pyrotechnics, tesla coils and other special effects - this is essential viewing for Metallica fans, or fans of the music genre.

The Purge - 6/10

Been meaning to get through the first two before Election Year comes out. Thought it was fairly decent, if quite obvious 'twists'. Probably what's going to happen in the States if Trump gets elected :o
SPECTRE... looks really great on Blu Ray and I still love it as a Bond film, slotting in behind CR and just ahead of Skyfall. The Day of the dead portion of extras was pretty good, but the other content was poor, which is a shame as I love some good insightful behind the scenes stuff... 9/10
SPECTRE, Really didn't like it, such a generic paint by numbers bond film. Poor dialogue, no good action scenes and they just reused a lot of the similar themes from the last few movies. I guess if it had been a terrible bond film it would have been better because at least we would have had something to discuss.

Casino Royale will remain one of my favourite bond films but I think it’s time for Craig to move on. :(
The only aspects that disappointed were the car chase, which should have been visceral, but wasn't (the QOS opening chase was way better) and the lack of blood during the fight, CR and QOS did this better.
Triple 9...really enjoyed this. Such a crazy strong cast, let down a bit by Winslet and her dodgy russian accent. Gal Gadot is stunning, hadn't realised until a few choice shots of her during this movie.

Good story, well paced, thought the movie had ended about 3 times then it hit me with some more. Will probably pass most people by but i'd recommend a watch.

Mexico had to much green screen IMO.

Funny that, as they use far less green screen than most films these days. The whole emphasis was on practical effects over CGI etc.

Pacific Rim... my son wanted to see it again. The more I see it the worse it gets. Garbage 3/10
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Funny that, as they use far less green screen than most films these days. The whole emphasis was on practical effects over CGI etc.

Pacific Rim... my son wanted to see it again. The more I see it the worse it gets. Garbage 3/10

But what did your Son think? I bet he didn't rate it 3/10!
The only aspects that disappointed were the car chase, which should have been visceral, but wasn't (the QOS opening chase was way better) and the lack of blood during the fight, CR and QOS did this better.

Loved the QOS car scene, the very first bit as it zooms into the Aston Martin high revving is a great sight to behold.

P.S I thought QOS was actually very good :D


The Fear of 13 (2015)



Considering what is effectively a monologue this is very engaging and interesting documentary film. Highly recommended.


I just watched this. Really good. It's amazing that someone so mixed up with crime is so highly intelligent and articulate. Fantastic narration and remembering of so much detail, you almost think it's his fictional mind making it up based upon the thousands of books he's read.
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