What film did you watch last night?

Prometheus - 3/10 - I'm a massive fan of the Alien universe and queued up to see this at it's midnight opening way back in 2012. I didn't like it then and haven't seen it since but I decided to give it another go and I found that I still don't like it now. In fact other than the sets, props & CGI it's terrible, easily as bad as the AVP franchise to me.

Alien - 8/10 - I really love this film but that doesn't mean it's perfect and there's a few director things that I'm not a fan of (constant "Jonesy" jump-scares etc) but I love the feel of the film. The set design & cast feel real to me, like they had really spent time together on a ship rather than a set with actors and the creature design is absolutely perfect, even now nearly 40 years later!
CTHD Sword of destiny

I was a big fan of the original, but this sequel never seemed to really get going.

It was pretty much just set in one home waiting for them to attack. I mean some fighters came to help, then they died. Meh.

I'll give it another watch another day but initially I would say 5/10


Love the first one, but this one lacks substance and heart (it just to spoon fed it to you with the story of the young ones). Just missing that key ingredient that made the first one so great.

Even you have bought into the mistruth

Linky? Show me one link that shows they hated the movie. 2 seconds in google will find you several links about why Krakauer hated the movie. You will always find links from Beck Weathers saying he liked the movie.

If people are going to spout " Fantastically shot" Pretending they have a clue about movies and cinematography then no...I'll tell them why.

Everest is a bad movie and its very obvious why. Technically its poor never mind the horrendous script!

There is a place over on IMDB for people like you that like telling other people about why they should hate a movie. I suggest you go there and leave this thread to normal people, who have their own opinions on movies and don't need people like telling them what they should like.
Childhood's End. Three part, six hour adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke's epic book... by SyFy. :rolleyes:

In an alternative world where nobody swears, the human race is shocked to discover that Charles Dance is actually the leader of a friendly alien race with super-advanced technology.

Linky? Show me one link that shows they hated the movie. 2 seconds in google will find you several links about why Krakauer hated the movie. You will always find links from Beck Weathers saying he liked the movie.

There is a place over on IMDB for people like you that like telling other people about why they should hate a movie. I suggest you go there and leave this thread to normal people, who have their own opinions on movies and don't need people like telling them what they should like.

It's easyrider, we're used to him now ;)

Ouija (lady friend wanted to watch it) terrible 2/10.
The big short. 8 out of 10.

Good story telling. Good humour. Good editing makes it a very watchable and funny film.
Gods of Egypt (2016) 2/10

I went into this movie knowing it was going to be a crapfest, and I was not disappointed.

I always considered Gerard Butler to have some level of integrity with the roles that he takes on, but he has to have done this for the pay cheque. Even if you take into account the poor, poor, poor acting (and you should not expect anything good with a CGI ridden film) it was dire.

Brenton Thwaites (who?....exactly), if this is his first major role, he should not expect another. My god!

In films such as these I look for any redeeming feature. Something to grip my attention:

1)Story line.......ridiculous
2)Acting.........was there any?
3)CGI.....very poor.

Two of the female leads in the film were pretty hot....but thats about it. 1 point for each of them.

Argo (**** yourself :D) - 8/10

Second time I'd seen it but the girlfriend hadn't so we put it on. Not as tense for me obviously but it's a great film. I do rate Ben Affleck actually.
Testament of Youth

What stood out in this movie is Alicia Vikander's performance. She is in practically every scene and in every scene her torment of despair and suffering and sadness comes through. I didn't really care about all the other characters but what she went through really hits you and you suffer with her in her journey.


Along with Ex Machina, The Danish Girl, her role in Anna Karenina, I think she is going to go very very far in this business and an Oscar won't be far away.

I was right!
Predestination - 7.5/10

Really enjoyed this, there were several moments where i thought the movie was going to end and was like, "nooooo, i don't understand!!". But it wrapped up quite nicely.

I did think the middle twist, was much bigger than the final twist and was a true Bill and Ted moment, "wooooah dude".

Once the reveal was made i thought it was a rip off a Red Dwarf episode Oroborous - so i googled the Predestination backstory and found it was based pn a short story "All our Zombies" from 1959" - so obviously not.

I thought Sarah Snook was fantastic in this, playing male and female characters.
Steve Jobs - 6/10
Good performances but fastbender as Jobs didnt sit 100%, it jump cuts a lot, is a little erratic as a result and hard to follow even if you know the history.

Also Pirates is still better.
Deadpool what an epic 10/10 for me... This film not only smashed the benchmark for superhero/villain movies, it raises the bar to a new level.

Ryan Reynolds one liners are side splitting funny!

My teenage son & I enjoyed this so much we're go to see it a 2nd time later this week :D
Tinker Taylor soldier spy.

Expected great things; was left feeling completely disappointed.

One of the dullest films I've watched. I'm shocked that a film with such a solid cast can be such a snooze fest. I found the biggest problem was the film tries to be overly clever but all it does is confuse the hell out of the viewer by drifting aimlessly between time periods and not ever properly explaining anything.

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