What film did you watch last night?

Creed. Not sure what way to rate this movie. It was watchable but not as good as any of the other Rocky Movies. My main problem with the movie is the idea of Rocky as a boxing trainer. I can't see it.

If you liked the other Rocky movies then you will find Creed worth a watch.
Big Short - excellent film, some great cut sequences, good acting (Carrol is superb). I'd read the book and was pleasantly surprised that it was just as well made into movie.

Solid 8/10 for me
My favorite film of last year, thought it was utterly superb.
Yep. Loved it. Dat soundtrack too.

I've gone on about it so many times but it really is a travesty Deakins hasn't won an Oscar yet. I get all riled up every time somebody mentions 'poor Leo' having been nominated a whole 5 times before winning. Yeah, whatever. Deakins has 13 noms now and is classed as pretty much the best cinematographer in the business - by everyone in the business. :( Poor guy :(
I think i've posted before but the part where they travel through Juarez had me feeling sick in the pit of my stomach. The thumping abrasive soundtrack as it built up and you knew something was going to happen.

I love the shot with the soldiers disappearing over the horizon into the sunset as well, it's a beautifully made movie.
Heat (1995) - Love this film, I wasn't a big fan of it years ago but it grows on me with each watch when I compare it to the rubbish Hollywood spew out these days. The shoot out is like no other.
I bought The Martian and The Man from Uncle over the weekend on holiday and watched both.

The Martian was really good but having read the book I was disappointed at the loss of science explanation and some of the unnecessary additions, the more objective side of me knows that it was probably a better film for the non techy types as a consequence.

The Man From Uncle is another stylish Guy Ritchie movie, it had a bit of charm a reasonable plot and the leads hammed it up sufficiently. I would watch a sequel if it were released.
No Country for Old Men.


Last time I saw this film must've been around 2010/2011. I'd forgotten most of the plot but remembered I loved the film. Beautiful cinematography, very well written and Javier Bardem's Chigurh makes for one of my most memorable movie villains.
Last vegas, 8/10

had some good chuckles nearly sent me off into one of my laughing fits. Easy watching typical story line but with some good humor I enjoyed it and would watch it again
Escape Plan - 6/10

Some good moments, but some very sceptical escape planning!

Also, they are in a prison with the worst of the worst - terrorists etc and yet Stallone is suddenly best buddies with them? No, this isn't so he can use them to escape, he genuinally cares for some of them by the end. Arnie even goes on to say to an Al Qaeeda guy, "You're a good man" - wtf?

Keep repeating, "it's just a movie, it's just a movie" and deep breaths.
Sucker Punch - 7/10

Some beautiful scenes, with a pretty killer soundtrack (loved White Rabbit). I think the movie is a little ahead of its time as after reading IMDB it seemed it didn't fare well - very reminiscent of Shutter Island and Inception, although not as good.

It was a dark movie, and although i understand how it ended and it was a logical conclusion, i was hoping for a happier ending after all she had been through :(
The Big Short 9/10 from me.

Acting from all was very good and what could be termed boring subject matter presented in a way to be very enjoyable to watch.
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