What film did you watch last night?

Long Way North (Tout en haut du monde) - 8/10

A french animation film about a Russian girl who goes north to search for her grandfather. The style was different and took me a short time to get used to it but after that, the film is beautiful and i enjoyed it.

Was supposed to watch Baby Driver but the nap went on longer than planned.
i get u there however that is exactly the type of film i enjoy. no thinking about whats happening at all just pure and simple watching

Oh overall I was impressed, I had little expectation but couldn't believe I finished it thinking 'yeah, I'd watch another'. I just agree it is funny how different opinions can be - it sounds like what Mark1989 disliked (too slow, too long to get to the cheesey power ranger stuff) was what I thought was the best part and his preferred part (presumably the cheesey power ranger stuff) was where I thought the film got a bit crappy
From this week;

L.A Confidential - 10/10 - Still great even after my 10th viewing.

Baby Driver - 7/10 - I never quite got in to it and I found the music distracting at times. Still enjoyable though.

Kong: Skull Island - 5/10 - Meh, utterly unimaginative, no suspense, awful dialogue. They really phoned this one in.

Enjoyed it, better than godzilla anyway.....

Also, it looked stunning on my panny plasma :cool: Can't wait till I get a 2017 OLED to watch films like this on!
The Circle - New Netflix original movie starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, explores a world where a Google-like company takes social media and connectivity to an extreme. Very enjoyable, and equally frightening at how easily fiction could become really.
The Circle - New Netflix original movie starring Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, explores a world where a Google-like company takes social media and connectivity to an extreme. Very enjoyable, and equally frightening at how easily fiction could become really.

See the trailer to this, need to get around to watching it looks good.

Last night:

Logan, brilliant, heard it had a lot darker theme to it, but was not expecting it to be this much darker, some of it took me by surprise.

Loved it.


Slow afternoon, perfect film for a bit of that. Great cast, not really all that dramatic, but constantly engaging. Hadn't watched it before, glad I got round to it.

The assassination of SS General Reinhard Heydrich. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. A different take on events when compared to Operation Daybreak from the mid-seventies (a great film in its own right).

Definitely one of the better war films of late and highly recommended.
Transformers, The last knight. What an absolute disaster of a Movie. In fact 'movie' is probably stretching it. Very little plot, plot hols you could drive twenty buses through, so much 'Huh?' and 'WTF?' and most of it just seemed to be an excuse to blow stuff up, have a typical Bay 'Slide down a slope so you're uninjured' and Slow motion shots. And why are so many Transformers 'street' and 'gangster'? There's ZERO comedy in it any more and, to be quite frank, is bordering on racist.

Please, for the love of all that is Holy and Sacred on this earth, take Michael Bay far, far away from this Franchise. Let it be for 3-4 years then reboot it with someone who cares and won't come up with the hatchet job shown here, and every film since the Original. Terrible, awful moving picture. 0.5/10.

On the face of it a pretty conventional film for Christopher Nolan although it is executed so well compared to the many generic thrillers out there. The dynamics between Al Pacino and Robin Williams was excellent in this film.

Baby Driver

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Can't praise this film enough, if you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend. Go see it!

DAT editing.

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