What film did you watch last night?

Just watched Shoot 'Em Up as I channel surfed into it. Missed the first 30 minutes so wasn't really sure of the plot, but really enjoyed it :D
500 Days of Summer.

Liked it, not sure how much though, I wasn't that keen on the main character. Solid 6 or 7 outta 10 I think
Pandorum - Great premise, good acting and excellent ideas for technology of the time. Downside was the over the top action scenes towards the end. Going to say 7 out of 10, it would have been 8 if there was less Kung-Fu-on-a-space-ship.


Kick Ass - Awesome fun, great action scenes and one of the very small number of films where Nick Cage actually did a good job.

Not a 'film' per se but the 1.5hour Twin Peaks pilot. And I now cannot wait to watch the 8 episodes of season 1, 22 of season 2 and then the film (Fire Walk With Me). There was just something about the pilot... 9/10
saw Up tonight on disney hd have been meaning to watch this ever since its realease at the cinema. It was a beautiful looking movie and out of all of the pixar movies i've seen the most moving but as usual has a good message in the movie. Highly recommend it to anyone even for those that are not so into the animated movies. 9.5/10
Watched Robin Hood (Russell Crowe) last night. Very average and whilst very different, not a patch on the Kevin Coster version in terms of entertainment. 6/10
I watched The Descent Part 2 last night and The Return Of The Living Dead

Having seen Part 1 years ago I thought Part 2 wasn't as jumpy as the first but still a decent shocker flick, quite a bit of gore too. Was worth the watch I'd say for Descent fans but overall once you start to show the monster lurking in the dark it loses its horror taste!

TROFLD was good though, by today's standards the dialogue is cringe worthy at best but it's awesome nonetheless!

I also snuck in another film, The New York Ripper which I skimmed through.
A killer that kills young women and sounds like a duck....yeaaaaaah...
Caddyshack - some very ealry 80's comedy, some of the scenes had me crying with laughter! Basically life of caddies in an upmarket golf club which also has issues with gophers and a mad groundskeeper played by Bill Murray. 4/5.

Astoundingly bad but excellent at the very same time, i was feeling very sorry for myself so slapped this on and enjoyed it from start to finish.

Much better than The Expendables, A-Team or The Losers which were all switch your brain off action movies too.

Watched Braveheart on Blu-Ray this was the very first disc to try out on our new 46" Panasonic plasma and matching Panasonic Blu-Ray with 5.1 surround.

Blown away.....totally blown away. Enjoyed it more than when I saw it at the cinema in 1995!

The film Robin Hood tried and utterly failed to be...

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This weekend:

Predators, liked it! but some stuff sooo similar to the first one 7/10

Aftershock, chinese movie about the 1976 earthquake, excellent 8/10

A nightmare on elm street, the remake, rubbish! 2/10

Tonight I will be watching Monsters
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