What film did you watch last night?

Watched Monsters last night, really, really enjoyed it. Little gem of a film.

Don't want to say anything else as i watched it without knowing much about it, which could be part of why i liked it so much :)
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Bad Lieutenant - Some funny parts but felt really disjointed and all over the shop. Saving grace Eva Mendes, I am in love with her, strange she is always in films relating to narcotics. We Own The Night has to have the best intro to a film ever. Anyway entertained but nothing crazy. 6/10
Shutter Island


Good film, well written, some great acting and a few incredibly surreal scenes, let down by dodgy pacing and what seems like a rather rushed ending.

Also no where near enough of Jackie Earle Haley, he is far too good an actor to have such a small role.
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