What film did you watch last night?

Back to the future at local odeon. While the picture was awesome and crisp it really showed some of the actors clearly fake makeup and the the notepad that was blank. So some might so a little "too" crisp :p

But other than that it was awesome.
I saw The Town tonight with a couple of peeps.

I give it 8/10.

The gun sounds were amazing, the acting was excellent and the whole presentation was cool. It's the kind of film I can get right in to :p
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I do hate to be one of those people who yammer on about the book being so much better as if I'm the only one who reads anymore, but the film falls so short of the book it's criminal. Huge sections unexplained, whole stories completely ignored, character relationships missing, quite important elements of the plot different, and a good bit of just making **** up.

So it's hard to give an objective rating knowing how good it could have been. If i'd seen the film on it's own maybe 6.5/10. As I've read the book, 4/10.
Let The Right One In - romantic(?)/horror

Enjoyed this on the whole, good acting, story was interesting and it was very creepy! Kept seeing the girls bloody face when I was trying to sleep... :(
The Killer Inside Me - can't be scored. Switched off not even halfway through. No idea what was going on and his voice was most annoying. Not even Jessica Alba getting spanked could keep the interest there.
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