What game to buy next

21 Aug 2011
So my GF bought me Driver San Fran as i have wanted it. But i already ordered it from Zavvi.. She got me MW3 last week. So im after swapping a copy out for something. Dont know what to get...

Skyrim doesn't look like my kinda thing.
BF3 Looks really good but maybe bit close to MW3
Saints Row 3 liked the first 2
Batman Looks good...

Anyone vouch or any of the above or better still suggest something else??

Im new to PC gaming so a lot of the established franchises i dont have experience with
Depends what kind of game youre looking for, tbh there all completely different. Batman AA was really good so i guess AC is to :)
I wouldn't compare BF3 to MW3 other than it's an FPS. So don't let that put you off.
I'd definitely take BF3 out of the two though.

I can also vouch for Skyrim, but it's kinda pointless if the RPG genre doesn't appeal to you.
BF3 or Batman seem the best options.... GF bro got BF3 for the XBOX might have a button bash... is there a huge difference between the two experiences of PC/XBOX
BF3 or Batman seem the best options.... GF bro got BF3 for the XBOX might have a button bash... is there a huge difference between the two experiences of PC/XBOX


64 player battles, Very nice visuals and the general "at home" feeling of playing an FPS with your keyboard and mouse :)
I'd go for Batman too. While BF3 isn't quite the same kind of FPS as COD, it's still very much in the same category, and is quite similar in reality. You want to spice it up with something a bit different, and Batman fills that category nicely. AA was great, and this looks to be shaping up well too.

64 player battles, Very nice visuals and the general "at home" feeling of playing an FPS with your keyboard and mouse :)

Nice to hear that :) Just got a new pc from here and it came with bf3, on 10% atm but my pc is really slow :D Played it on xbox and its awesome!
If you don't know if you'll like Batman, why not get the first one, Arkham Asylum? Can be got pretty cheap now.
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