What happens when you mind your own business...

30 May 2004
Walking back from the pub last night with two mates after having a few select ales and get jumped by around 9 youths, of about 17 or 18 years old...

The result was me in A&E with a nice head wound!

So apparently this is what happens when you mind your own business and keep your head down, and of all places in the quiet county town of Stafford! Where I am currently in my final year at the uni there...


So anyone else think that these Chavs should be more closely policed?
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If by policed you mean eradicated, then yes.

i agree on this 100%, the trick is to scream like a mental banshee when you fight back, it should confuse some and make the others laugh to much to attack you properly

seriously, i hope its not too much damage caused
Ah Stafford, a heady mix of students, chav's who arn't really very chavvy, but want to be, and locals who hate both groups.

Lovely place, so glad I don't live there anymore (went to Staffs uni too)

Sorry to hear about your incident, at least you're in your final year and you can leave soon!
I went to Stafford once to meet a few mates (much older gents than me, but good mates none the less), and we got a little drunk and decided to go out hunting for chavs at around 1am... was one of the best nights of my life lol.

No thats what you tell them is going to happen ... if they turn up then it's time to lock the doors and break out the the 2-by-4's

Yup, anger management for those who really are "at risk" of offending - the frustrated-to-the-max law abiding citizens who truly have something to lose should they snap and start lashing out.

Given free reign to wail on some scrotes in a controlled environment would likely be a good way to relieve the tension.
If only you knew Karate or something, you'd have posted an entirely different thread :p
If only you knew Karate or something, you'd have posted an entirely different thread :p

"and then, and thennnnn, my master came.... round house kicked all of them from a mile away with a 3G phone in his hand and a kebab in the other. God bless Chuck Norris"

Sorry, couldn't resist.

"and then, and thennnnn, my master came.... round house kicked all of them from a mile away with a 3G phone in his hand and a kebab in the other. God bless Chuck Norris"

Sorry, couldn't resist.


Wish you had :p
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