Just watched God's Camp on Channel 4 and cannot believe that the American people are becoming so entrenched in the Dogma of the Church!!.
What ther hell happened to the last 50 years of enlightenment??
Quotes of "Harry Potter is a Devil's conduit" et al, and I thought the Islamic Nation was backward, with their need for Immans to tell them what to believe, and how to think!!.
Is there a conspiracy of the "religious nutters" to re-introduce a "you are safe with the Lord" lifestyle?. Does President Bush actually believe in God or have his aides, along with those of the ruling Muslim faith, drawn up lines of engagement for the next 100 years?.
The sooner we eradicate Religion the better in my opinion.......the sowers of bad seed will undoubtately "crucify" robots next.......and of course make them Jewish!!.
FFS, when will this petty "My God is better than yours" vitriole end.
Anyone with a anti-Religion bomb please contact me immediately......I will pay the asking price to end this load of ***** today!!
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What ther hell happened to the last 50 years of enlightenment??
Quotes of "Harry Potter is a Devil's conduit" et al, and I thought the Islamic Nation was backward, with their need for Immans to tell them what to believe, and how to think!!.
Is there a conspiracy of the "religious nutters" to re-introduce a "you are safe with the Lord" lifestyle?. Does President Bush actually believe in God or have his aides, along with those of the ruling Muslim faith, drawn up lines of engagement for the next 100 years?.
The sooner we eradicate Religion the better in my opinion.......the sowers of bad seed will undoubtately "crucify" robots next.......and of course make them Jewish!!.
FFS, when will this petty "My God is better than yours" vitriole end.
Anyone with a anti-Religion bomb please contact me immediately......I will pay the asking price to end this load of ***** today!!
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