What is it with BMW pedal spacing

17 Mar 2004
I have just handed back the 116 I have had all week to pick up my car which after inspection was not acceptable, another story. And they have loaned me a 318d, quite pokey, dual climate control, cruise etc much better than the 116 is replaced. But both this and the 1 series clutch pedal is so close to the foot rest, I am constantly trying to push the rest as opposed to the clutch pedal. My 2001 3 series is an auto so can't compare. But is this something anyone else has noticed on manual BM's, its a major flaw IMO?
You get used to it eventually. It's due a not-so-good implementation of the RHD transition. The LHD models are meant to be much better spaced.
especially for business users with leather shoes. I am wearing Nike shoxs which are narrow in UK size 8. My mini did not have this issue either, spacing was very good.
I didn't like the positioning of the pedals in the 3 series I sat in the other day - the clutch pedal was about a foot right of where I expected it :(
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