What is the largest harddrive a SKY 1TB HD box can support ??

27 Nov 2005
Does anyone know what is the largest harddrive a 1TB skyHD box can support
Is it 2GB or 3GB ??

As am thinking of upgrading the standard 1.5TB harddrive to a larger one,
But it not really worth the expense outlay and hassle if it can only take up to a 2GB drive..

(The standard drive in the 1TB skybox is a 1.5TB Drive)
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He has already said, the 1TB one so a 895. I think it will take a 2TB it certainly wont take a 3TB drive.
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Where have you read that even the guy that made expvr says it wont work.

"Just for the record, I'm about 95% sure a 3TB drive would not work with the current sky software (and if it did, ExPVR would not be able to format it). At the beginning of a hard disk there is a block of data which defines where the partitions are, and how big they are (this is called the Master Boot Record, or MBR). The part which defines the size of each partition is only 4 bytes long, this means only numbers up to 4294967295 can be held. This is defined in sectors (512 byes), and equates to a size of around 2TB. This means there is no way to define a partition beyond this size. For drives above 2TB, a newer system called GPT can be used to overcome this limitation.

I think it is very unlikely that sky have added support for GPT however as there are no sky boxes with a drive above 1.5TB (also ExPVR only writes MBR formatting, and the Sky box will only format up to 1TB on its own, so even if it was supported there is no way to format a drive with XTVFS and a GPT partitioning system)."
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