What is Your favorite Trainners

12 Jun 2006
List your favorite trainners and pictures if you have any, i LOVE trainners and have about 25 Pairs now :D and most are Addidas Orignals (love old school ones)

My favorite pair is the good old Superstars (i have 4 pairs) ;)

Nike Air Max Classics
Nike Air Jordan
Reebok Pump
Nike Air Force 1
Adidas Shelltoe Classics (inc. Superstar II)
Nike Air Tailwind
Nike Air Pegasus
Gilly said:
Nike Air Max Classics
Nike Air Jordan
Reebok Pump
Nike Air Force 1
Adidas Shelltoe Classics (inc. Superstar II)
Nike Air Tailwind
Nike Air Pegasus

i see your a nike man then, i had a pair of nike air Jordon back in 1990 and they cost me £60 :eek: also nike air vortex where a cool pair of trainners
LetsHaveIt said:
i see your a nike man then, i had a pair of nike air Jordon back in 1990 and they cost me £60 :eek: also nike air vortex where a cool pair of trainners
My first pair of Max Classics cost £80, the Reebok Pump cost £71. That would have been early 90's. Can't remember what the rest cost.

I've probably spent in excess of a couple of grand on trainers.

I wouldn't say I'm particularly a Nike man, I just prefer the older Nikes to the older other manufacturers. For the record, there's very few modern trainers I like :(

fatty1 said:
Get out :mad:

Those aren't trainers, they're fat skate slippers and do not qualify.
Gilly said:
I wouldn't say I'm particularly a Nike man, I just prefer the older Nikes to the older other manufacturers. For the record, there's very few modern trainers I like :(

Get out :mad:

Those aren't trainers, they're fat skate slippers and do not qualify.

modern trainners are very poor now :( and yes skate trainners do not qualify as they make your feet look like clogs
I used to really like Reebok Classics. They were adaptable to anything. Going to the pub (if they were clean), going for a run, playing footy...

They're the one trainer thats been absolutely ruined by the chav :(

And they started falling apart quicker I noticed too. They used to last a season of 5-a-side footy, but 3 or 4 years later only lasted half a season to a pair. Unless I'd just started kicking the ball harder :/
Gilly said:
Nike Air Max Classics
Nike Air Jordan
Reebok Pump
Nike Air Force 1
Adidas Shelltoe Classics (inc. Superstar II)
Nike Air Tailwind
Nike Air Pegasus

Have had a pair of each one of those apart from Reebok pump. All absolute classics. Trainers should not look like something from the future. All these Nike Shox and whatever just look ridiculous. Trainers were a big big deal in Liverpool while growing up in the 80s, you had to have either the right pair or a pair that no-one else had.

My current faves are Addidas Trimm Trabs and Addidas Nastase.

Some great sites for classic trainers:




And the article below is a great read about the trainer culture in Liverpool in the 80s

Big Chris is obsessed with Nikes. he's got some really nice ones.

Personally, i'm a converse man. They're so comfortable :D
Gilly said:
I used to really like Reebok Classics. They were adaptable to anything. Going to the pub (if they were clean), going for a run, playing footy...

They're the one trainer thats been absolutely ruined by the chav :(

And they started falling apart quicker I noticed too. They used to last a season of 5-a-side footy, but 3 or 4 years later only lasted half a season to a pair. Unless I'd just started kicking the ball harder :/

Yeah I've got some and they are great, they dont look "phat" which is important when you have big feet like me :(
But yeah, they have been wrecked by chavs.

Nike Air classic for sure, my favourite trainers by miles, absolute quality.
LetsHaveIt said:
See i like the fact you call them shell Toes not many people know thats the orignal name for superstars, ah the old Run DMC days :D
And I'm hoping she hadn't just copied my post ;)
Nismo said:
Poomas, although I have the Adidas ones with the Good Year tyre thing on the sole ATM.
Thats my current trainer choice too (except the Max Classics and Shell Toes, I usually have a pair of them running alongside something else). Pretty much the only recent trainer I like.
Gilly said:
I used to really like Reebok Classics. They were adaptable to anything. Going to the pub (if they were clean), going for a run, playing footy...

They're the one trainer thats been absolutely ruined by the chav :(

And they started falling apart quicker I noticed too. They used to last a season of 5-a-side footy, but 3 or 4 years later only lasted half a season to a pair. Unless I'd just started kicking the ball harder :/

i did go though a stage with the classic's but that was when i lived in London :eek: , i think the city and the people in it have a choice if trainners

London and the south = Reebok & Nike

Up North = Addidas
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