What makes a great game

15 Mar 2007
I have been in the PC industry since 1986 and I have seen many many games. I can't say that graphics matter when it comes to a good game as much as the gameplay and a good plaot line.

Half Life had a teriffic plot line and Deux Ex was good to there. Battlefield 2 has the online fps gameplay (urban maps) sorted from my point of view and some racing games have been good to incuding Colin Mcrae and GRID of late. So for me its game play and not repetitive boring opponents of which ID software can be culpable of recently.

Anyone else got a shout for what makes an awesome game ?
Assassins creed was ok but I never completed it due to its repetitive nature and long missions. Graphics and movements good but AI not good enough. As a plot line it was weak.

Deux Ex 11 years ago (weep) and half life must be 14-15 years ago. Blub
LOL yer. RTCW MP had plenty of that.

Half Life 2 manages to create an excellent atmosphere so the graphics help there but so does the compelling story line and the characters in it. Quality stuff.
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