What "man jobs" have you done today?

More plastering

Sunday replaced the bath popup waste and dry lining socket box that wasn't deep enough for a mains+USB socket (by a few mm) and broke leaving the socket open at one side.

The eejots that did the popup previously (a) broke the screw holding the popup knob, (b) used a popup kit that didn't use a screw to apply pressure at the overflow piece (just some adhesive that failed), and (c) no PTFE on the screw threads. In the end after failing to drill out the screw, I had to Dremel cut the knob off (brass) and the supporting spokes in the plug to get the damn thing out. Had to take the bathroom door off to get access.

Now all done, including tightening a push/screw tighten seal waste pipe connection under the bath. With paper underneath showing no signs of water stains so it appears the new replacement is water tight :)
Replaced the bottom entry valve on the toilet as it was constantly running. I could kill whoever built this house (new-ish build). It wasn't really difficult to remove with the cistern still in place, it was IMPOSSIBLE! I had to turn the water off for the house and remove the entire cistern just to replace a 7 quid valve. What should've been a 5 minute job turned into an hour.
Been fixing the subfloor (under the stairs for a food cupboard) as the joist ends and wall plate timber was rotten, replaced the timber, sealed the ends and put some woodworm treatment that I had spare on too. Then I put some 18mm boards down on top and made a step from the kitchen to match as close as I could what was next to it.
I have some 25mm end grain "rustic" (read:not square) blocks of keruing to put ontop after I get the partition back in.
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Fed the fishtank from its own rcd in the consumer unit and fitted a fused faceplate on a surfaced mount pattress box.

So much neater now and no more grief of my daughter switching the plug off :@
Reattached the side of the door frame and now started the flooring in the food cupboard/larder. I'm thinking of getting a different vent that looks very but this one will do the job for now. The wood is keruing, just a load of cut blocks recycled from train track cargo. Will grout it with oak coloured acrylic sealant and finish with Danish oil.
Been doing a bit of upholstery of sorts yesterday. Not perfect by any means, but I'm quite pleased for a first attempt. The back on the Herman Miller Mirra is hard plastic and although I have got used to it, it's still not 100% comfy. So I ordered some 1" memory foam and made a cover to the same shape as the back, with an elasticated sleeve at the top to hook over the top of the chair. Worked well and the back feels super comfy now. Got some 1" medium firm reflex foam ordered to do the same for the seat.


Latex over under floor heating, run the last of the heating element up the wall, stuck down the shower tray and weighted it with the world's heaviest tiles.

Tiler starting Wednesday



Removed 7 mature laurel stumps from the back garden. I am absolutely destroyed.


Very satisfying job though. The £50 Titan chainsaw from Screwfix is brilliant, an absolute bargain. The £20 Verve mattock they do was also a life saver.
Finally finished the shower enclosure ready for tiling. Bloody niches wish I'd bought a shelf, has sucked up at least two days work, will look awesome though.

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