What Tattoo for my forearm?

I don't really believe in "class" anyway. I have friends from different backgrounds. Some have tattoos some don't... they're my friends that's all I see - what they have painted on them makes no difference to me. Some are rich, some aren't, some are overly educated and some are college drop outs, some like tailored suits, some like to wear baggy jeans and ripped t-shirts. Can you guess who has a tattoo? Nope you can't because despite their backgrounds and attitudes, education, style, comportment - it's an individual thing and the aforementioned points make absolutely no difference to the likely hood of any of them having a tattoo.
Can't help but join in on this one.....

I get my first tattoo in about 3.5 hours time.

Am I gay? No, I actually get married in three weeks.
Am I working class? No, probably horribly middle class if the truth got out.
Will it stop me getting or keeping a good job? No 30K+ a year and it aint going anywhere because of a tattoo.

I drew the design around 10years ago and have been deciding ever since.
I reckon after all that time its the one I want.

The world is moving on, there are stereo types, yes, but the people who still hold them tend to be an older generation or ignorant, wholey caught up in the self importance of their own opinions and bigotry. The number of people with tattoos has soared they're just not always in your face. Nearly every hollywood star or TV presenter these days has one, doesn't make it right, but it will make it more acceptable and common place in time.

Any way thats just my 2p's worth...

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