What to buy for Christmas?

13 Oct 2011
Hey, not sure if this is in the right forum, but:

So it's about close to Christmas, and people are buying presents for their friends and family.

In my pocket I have 7000 CNY (around 692 British Pounds[converted by google]).

My choices are mainly towards Gaming and home media.

1. Ipod Touch
This was my 1st and main choice. I was really anticipating the 5G iPod Touch this year. Unfortunately, still no news of it yet. Thing is I don't wanna buy the 4G and then next thing the 5G is released, which would really **** me off because that sort of thing happens to me a lot.

2. 3DS
If I was to buy the iPod Touch, I would also buy a 3DS, along with new 3DS titles. P.S. I love Nintendo :D

3. Gaming Laptop
Not really the best budget for a gaming laptop, but I travel around a lot, so portability is definitely an issue.

4. Xbox 360
By far, the best choice for gaming. Although I'd have to spend a LOT more money on titles (Have around 30+ titles in mind LOL). Not sure about the process of torrenting then burning them to a CD.

I'm not sure if I should convert my money as of yet. There may be a chance that I will be going back to China soon (which my friends tell me I should instead save my money as conversion will reduce the worth of it).
Any answer would really help, just as long as it's relative to the question.
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