I'm in London this weekend and wondered what to see and do. Its a works sports and social do. We should hit the hotel about 11am (the Hilton) and we leave at 4pm sunday.
I've seen the normal tourist things:-
London eye
science museum
Nat history museum
British museum
War museum
Buckingham palace
London zoo
I want to the the nature photographer of the year display at the Nat history and have booked a show at 7.30 sat night.
Is there any good highlights i'm missing? Also where is good to eat near the shows? We normaly end up wandering around China town looking at the ducks hanging in the windows
I've seen the normal tourist things:-
London eye
science museum
Nat history museum
British museum
War museum
Buckingham palace
London zoo
I want to the the nature photographer of the year display at the Nat history and have booked a show at 7.30 sat night.
Is there any good highlights i'm missing? Also where is good to eat near the shows? We normaly end up wandering around China town looking at the ducks hanging in the windows