What to do next, accident.

23 May 2005
Hi Guys,

I've had a telephone call from my mother. She said that she was in an accident when she was driving back from picking up my brother from fishing today.

Anyway, it was around 17.00 on a road that is very busy on a Friday afternoon. Cars queue to get up it for 10 mins or so, lots of stopping and starting, so not driving too fast.

I went to look at the car and there doesn't seem to be any visible damage other than what looks a white strain mark on the bumper where the boot closes. If you run your finger over it the area it isn't a consistent level.

They exchanged details at the scene. She said she isn't in any great pain but getting hit was a shock to the system when the seatbelt tightened up and sprung her forward. My brother was p****d and gave the woman driver a lot of abuse.. :/ which wasn't the right thing to do as she had a child in the back.

Does this need to be reported to anyone? Would her insurance go up even though the other woman went into the back of her?


After speaking to her again she says her chest hurts. I've told her to go to the doctor but she is being stubborn about it.

Advice appreciated.
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Well what actually happened?

Well she was in traffic as it was rush hour. When the car in front of her moved forward she also did. I guess the car behind did too but failed to stop in time and hit her. Now her chest hurts because of it, I am guessing it was the seat belt.

Tell the insurance company in case the other party make a claim.

Thanks. I'll tell her to do that now.
If the car is not visibly damaged and she was hit from the rear then I can't see how a seatbelt could possibly injure ANYONE.

But yeah in this case it wasn't her fault. If you're trying to get free cash just go for it - everyone else does. There need to be be some policy changes though in my view. Unlimited third party liability is silly. In the states there's usually a $60'000 cut off or something.
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