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What to go for 7900GT or X1800XT?

20 Oct 2002
Looking at a new GFX card as i will be replacing my motherboard with a PCI-E one so what will get me the best performance?

PowerColor ATI Radeon X1800 XT 512MB GDDR3 AVIVO and a Crossfire Motherboard?


OcUK GeForce 7900 GT 256MB GDDR3 and a SLI Board?
I had to make this choice last night myself and I chose the X1800XT (256MB version.) If you're playing Oblivion then the X1800 will do HDR+AA now, which was the swinging factor for me.

If you're not playing Oblivion then good luck deciding between them, they're both excellent cards lol. :D
i am using a 21" trinitron CRT.

i am not playing oblivion not my sort of game, i mainly like FPS like FEAR, COD2, HL2 etc

I am upgrading from a X800Pro (Flashed to XT 500/500) and i am using a Venice [email protected] if thats any help.
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From what I've seen in benchmarks the 7900GT is pretty much neck and neck with the X1800XT and 7800GTX, so it's a really difficult choice.

If you play Call Of Duty 2 though, you'll find that you would benefit greatly with a 512MB card over a 256MB one. Not sure about those other games.
ever use linux or think you might in the future? if so go for the nvidia. as driver support is fantastic for nvidia/linux.
Even though I went for the 7900gt myself I think the X1800XT512 is definately the card of choice in that price area if you are not planning to go nuts with the overclocking. With the right heatsink and volt mod the 7900gt is a monster, but at stock volts and clock speeds the X1800XT just about has it. If it's between the X1800XT256 and the 7900gt go for the cheapest (which I think will be the ATI card).
Get the x1800xt as it is still faster and especially with 512mb ram as no doubt ul be playing at highest resolutions....i.e 1600x1200 upwards!
The x1800xts do clock very well anyways easily making 690core and 800 mem in most cases I know!
Mines modded to PE i.e the volt mod and clocks even higher now!

It's a no brainer if you ask me
Flipping heck... Thats good going! I will have to think about it a little more. I think i will go for the ATI card though if that will overclock ok and i dont need to spend another £25 on a cooler.
I think that's a fair enough choice. The guy that got to that speed on air was SERIOUSLY hardcore. I doubt i'll be going any higher than 1.4v-1.5v on air. So 700/950 or so will be the absolute ceiling and it'll be more likely in the region of 650/850.
Exsomnis said:
From what I've seen in benchmarks the 7900GT is pretty much neck and neck with the X1800XT and 7800GTX, so it's a really difficult choice..
So... you say the 7900GT is neck and neck with the 7800GTX AND the X1800 XT? How does that work, because the X1800 XT thrashes the 7800GTX :confused:
A random name said:
So... you say the 7900GT is neck and neck with the 7800GTX AND the X1800 XT? How does that work, because the X1800 XT thrashes the 7800GTX :confused:
Thanks for pointing that out. I made that judgement based on the X1800 benchmarks at Firing Squad, but I didn't take resolution into account. The X1800XT and 7800GTX perform about the same in 1024 and 1280, but the X1800XT goes nuts and takes a huge lead at 1600 and above, especially with AA+AF.

So yeah, I'm simply going to recommend the X1800XT in this thread. It outperforms the 7800GT from what I've seen, and in my experience the 512MB memory would be very beneficial in games like Call Of Duty 2.
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Thanks guys... I am also thinking about pairing it with the Asus Crossfire board (Cheeper one) So if i can afford it in the future i can buy a master card and crossfire them up. Is there a downside to this?
Skyline said:
Looking at a new GFX card as i will be replacing my motherboard with a PCI-E one so what will get me the best performance?

PowerColor ATI Radeon X1800 XT 512MB GDDR3 AVIVO and a Crossfire Motherboard?


OcUK GeForce 7900 GT 256MB GDDR3 and a SLI Board?

I would get an SLI mobo on the basis that SLI is faster than xfrire and is not so demanding on the system.

The 7900 GT's overclock fantastically providing 11 k in 05 in some circumstances in single card environments.
But if he opts for the ATI graphics, he's stuck with single ATI. If he gets ATI he should get ATI 3200, then have a possible ATI upgrade path.

Would you replace your Nforce board for a Crossfire? No I don't think so.
squiffy said:
But if he opts for the ATI graphics, he's stuck with single ATI. If he gets ATI he should get ATI 3200, then have a possible ATI upgrade path.

Would you replace your Nforce board for a Crossfire? No I don't think so.

No I mean he shoud get an sli mobo and a 7900 GT so he has the option of going sli.

I wouldn't get a xfire mobo as they dont perform as fast as sli.The xfire's are no way near as stable as SLI.

Sli is the better option.

The 7900 GT's overclocked offer fast performance and reach near enough GTX speeds with a simple 5 minute mod.

They would use less power,generate less heat,be faster the list go's on.
EDIT: However if he is getting a single card then the x1800 with the extra mem will help.But certainly wont play the lastest games at 1600x1200 with max settings.
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