What to use to OC a 1070 these days?

3 May 2012
As per the title really, I have an EVGA 1070sc black ed.

I don't overclock at all now because it's sitting in a Sandbridge system so there is literally no point, however that's soon to change.

I'm building a new Zen 3 system and carrying the GPU forward (for the time being anyway), so being by far the bottleneck of the system I plan on overclocking it to within an inch of its life lol.

I had overclocked it before, but that was back in 2016 when I bought it just to test really, I do remember it overclocking pretty well but so long ago now I honestly can't remember even what program I used.

So simple question really what is the best software/program to OC a 1070 these days?
10xx series are fairly lack lustre for oc. Set temp manually to highest fan noise you wish (assuming on fan), leave pwr tgt alone, run 3dm with +25 on core each run, drop back once when you freeze / drop out, bump mem up the same.

Once done leave mem and test +10 on core and see if you can get stable at a higher bin. When that's maxed test increasing pwr tgt with +10 core. Temp is fairly likely going to drop bins more than pwr but worth a nosey.
In MSI Afterburner max power limit and core limit, apply then click AutoOC and run the scan. For me that gives about 200mhz additional core speed. Then I added another 150mhz memory which seemed to make more difference. I'm on a Zotac mini though, so not much headroom and the fans are super loud.
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