What's better Bioshock 1 or 2?

Yeah one for sure. Two would have been awesome if it was the first game, if that makes sense. Number one was to much to beat, the first has awesome atmosphere as well. It looks amazing, I take it you have not played it so I won't spoil it. But at the start when you first take control I bet you sit and watch the plane ;)
As the others have said 1, then 2.

If you love the Bioshock universe then I highly recommend reading "Rapture" the book to fill in the birth of the city and the events leading up to the games.
I always find the initial game in a series is the best, and it's true for Bioshock. Both of them are still fantastic games (my favourite series of games ever made) and definitely worthy of the price they're on Steam for.

Bioshock infinite cannot come soon enough!
Yeah one for sure. Two would have been awesome if it was the first game, if that makes sense. Number one was to much to beat, the first has awesome atmosphere as well. It looks amazing, I take it you have not played it so I won't spoil it. But at the start when you first take control I bet you sit and watch the plane ;)

I am on my first playthrough. What did I miss?! :(
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