Whats happened to all the WW2 Shooters!!

10 Jun 2015
Many moons ago this time of the year i would be enjoying another release of medal of honour on my playstation. Then they disappeared and were replaced by call of duty. Now call of duty are releasing games that completely don't interest me in anyway, does anybody know whats the future for ww2 shooters????
Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm is the best WW2 shooter I can currently think of.

Everyone likes making futuristic shooters at the minute.
Sadly they're a thing of the past, kids want to play modern 'unrealistic' garbage.

The WW2 setting is without doubt the best, maybe one day we'll see a renaissance.
sadly all the shooters or most shooters follow the same old dirt format. the ones making noise at the moment are the new breed trying different things.

cod/bf franchise sadly has to cater for sales to the dumbed down audience.

thats why there hasnt been a decent game from any of them for last 5-6 years.
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Well going by the YouTube!! ;) a lot are saying the next won't be in the same time setting, also far to many futuristic games out!

They know the market is there for a WW2 game!!
WW2 market got a bit saturated - hopefully it comes back again at some point though I'd love to see one with with power of modern graphics.
WW2 Shooters are the best imo, I love them and really would love to see one done again in a new engine.

Not played Rising Storm before and watched a YouTube video of it and the YouTuber who posted the video told a fantastic story about a Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler incident during WW2 if anyone is interested, it's here:

Just goes to show not all Nazi's were evil in the regime, even after having to get one more plane shot down to earn that medal.. he done what he done.. wow.
WW2 shooters started getting incredibly stale after the 13901 FPS of any given year featured it. They'll probably go back at some point when people get bored of the futuristic setting.
They just need to re-release COD+UO with the new engines and we would be sorted. The UO multiplayer was one of the best ones i've played and even had vehicles in some maps.

That was before activision did COD on the consoles though :(
The games are filled with pointless fluffy ****.

The old games were good because they were simple... Also the ppsh was the best weapon ever to exist.
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