Whats happened to all the WW2 Shooters!!

I remember watching a vid recently stating why. And it all came down to customisation. No WW2 shooter will provide the same sort of customisation as modern shooters, scopes, rails, laser sights, rifle barrels etc etc just won't be a thing. It will be a solid set of 'classes' with very little creativity which simply won't grip todays gamers. It's a real shame.

WaW had plenty of different class customisations, all be it not to modern shooters standards but I still love and play that game.
It's such a shame, FPS games went downhill after cod2:uo
I think the balance due to weapons is far better on ww2 games. And older games in general. Some of the realism in modern FPS takes the fun away.
Cod2, UT2004 and C&C Renegade, those were the days.
The question is Kar 98k, Mosin, or Lee Enfield.

That sweet sweet Mosin iron sight and the bolt action reload of the Kar 98k. Good times!

Yeah, I wouldn't mind some sweet bolt-action rifle :) And a FG42. Gotta have one of those.

Would be interesting if 'they' would model feed / ejection failure as well (maybe on like, 'realistic' settings). Giving each weapon a different flavour.

There are ways to customise weapons, even though WW2 weapons weren't really customisable. They can have varying degrees of modifications (stock, barrel, iron sights, scopes, triggers...), iterations, and quality. And the ammo of course can be of varying quality.
RTCW/ET needs to be brought back, the singular best WW2 game ever created, so many good custom maps, objective based so it was more teamwork than the mindless COD gameplay that killed the genre (same as BF)

People were not crying out for futuristic shooters, they were crying out for modern day shooters :)

Oh and tripwire the makers of Red Orchestra and currently making the remake except this time set in vietnam, should be very good.
It's actually a browser based game ran through Steam, bit weird!

What FPS games are being played thesedays in general?
Would be interesting to see a WW2 shooter where you play one of the Axis powers, would put a different spin on it. Bit like Silent Hunter did with U-Boats
I think they whipped the WW2 to death last gen and the gen before. I did however enjoy Wolfenstein New Order, and have Old Blood to play which I presume is a WW2 shooter.

Much prefer shooting aliens to people for some reason, love Halo for instance.
They just need to re-release COD+UO with the new engines and we would be sorted. The UO multiplayer was one of the best ones i've played and even had vehicles in some maps.

That was before activision did COD on the consoles though :(

Have to totally agree, this was the first real multiplayer game I played online. All your friends on Ventrillo, driving round in tanks/jeeps and running people over! Alternatively sniping drivers!

So much fun. :D
I think it's time for Valve to make a new Day of Defeat installment.

I recently installed DoD: Source and still find it really fun.
Same here, I used to play it a few years back. Still seems fairly active server wise. It's multiplayer only, but I do love the simple class system and the endless maps made for it.
I tried Red orchestra, couldn't tell the difference between teams and kept getting killed as I didn't want to TK.
There's also a petition for a new DOD like they did with CS:GO

https://www.change.org/p/day-of-defeat-2 Get signing!
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