What’s my bottleneck?

11 Jun 2003
The Shadows (london)
Hi all. So I’m doing a storage migration from a pc to my new openmediavault on a raspberry pi 4
Files are hosted on
I7 pc USB3 2.5 5tb external drive connected directly to pc

destination drives
Raspberry pi4 sabrent usb3 dock (4x2tb 2.5 drives)

both are on the same gigabit switch.

Initially I was getting transfer speeds of about 65MBs until I reached files of that size. (Transferring via ftp and queued by smallest to largest)

after hitting that size everything came crawling down to a few MBs. I’ve paused the transfer and moved the host drive from a powered hub to directly connected to the pc.

it’s come up to about 10.5MBs

I was getting better speeds between USB2 drives over the network

any ideas?
I'm using the CLI and at the time of posting I didn't know how to check CPU load
I've since discovered HTOP
but also decided to move the source drive physically to the pi itself and just serve the files from there.
I wanted to separate the data from the one large drives onto 4 different drives just so that if one of the drives dies I don't lose everything in one go but it's only media so I can live with this until I can rejig things.
I might retest now that I have HTOP at my disposal
So I’m doing some more transfers from the pc to the pi

cpu usage is below 14% on all cores average of about 6% that’s with a network transfer and plex serving one 1080 stream (probably direct play)

memory states 261mb/7.71gb
The bars in HTOP have about 80% of memory in amber though which are cache pages…

could the cache pages be the issue?
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