Whats the best low profile Skt775 air cooler

10 Jun 2009
As above.

Ive built a small pc using a very old Advent pc case I had laying about, ( it had a P3 in it until today ) and the airflow through the case isnt to great and my stock cooler is doing ok but im thinking of upgrading just to get temps down.

The cpu is an E5200 just ran at stock so 2.5ghz.

I was looking at the Shuriken but baulked at the £30 price tag.

Its a while since i have used air cooling as the rig in my sig is all watercooled. This is just a very simple web surfer, blu ray playing and word processing machine ive built. At around 50% load the temps are around 54 degrees, are they ok or a tad on the high side?
depends on how much clearance you have, but you could just stick on the low profile core2quad heatsink that comes stock with quad core cpus. and if you can fit it, the stock cooler that came with the 65nm quads is even better although its a bit taller but its very good for cooling the dual core cpus. very inexpensive too, shoudl set you back under 3 quid or so.
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