Whats the stupidest comment youve ever heard someone say ?

11 Mar 2004
tonight i was playing Battlefield 2 with my clan on teamspeak and we were being shot at from a distance so i shouted out, "theres a sniper out there" to which my clan mate replied... "where..."

now, forgive me if im being a little hard on him as hes from the Deep South of North America, but i was under the impression that the entire purpose of being a sniper was to infact be as invisible as possible thus negating any need for his question... :rolleyes:

other ones include when you lose something and a person, usually a relative or partner will ask "where did you last have it" :confused: if i knew that, it wouldnt be lost...
The BF question seems reasonable..

the keys one..people usually take it to mean where do you last remember having them...
BillytheImpaler said:
Central America is a subset of North America.

Yes, but commonly refered to as central america...

Ive never heard panama and costa rica classed as north america...not by americans anyway.
I've never heard of the southern part of the United States, to which I think the OP was referring, referred to as the deep south of North America and I do spend quite a bit of time conversing with Americans.

Is Mexico part of North America or is it just the United States and Canada?
You've never heard of the phrase "the deep South", referring to places like the Carolinas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi etc? And you're from the US?
BillytheImpaler said:
It's the "of North America" bit that's getting me.

What about it?

Anything above the isthmus of Panama = North America, anything below it = South America. Therefore the US is in North America. It's like saying "the Schleswig-Holstein region of Europe" - sure, it's more natural to say "of Germany" but it still makes sense and isn't worth dragging out like this.
I definitely see your point and I recognize that I'm diluting Locutus12's thread. I just think that referring to it as he did is more than a bit backward. The difference between this and your example is that the "deep South" is as much a place as it is a description of a place. Schleswig-Holstein can only be where Schleswig-Holstein is but I can describe anywhere as being in the deep South of anything else. I'll let geographical uncertainty be and end my unwarranted criticism of a tiny detail in Mr. Locutus12's thread.
Well tbh I think the original poster's comment was a dumb comment (interupting the geography lesson for a minute :D )

Someone is shooting at you and you say "Theres a sniper out there!".... Well give the man a medal for observation!! Not pointing out the obvious now are we!! :p
I think that's a perfectly reasonable question! You may have seen the sniper, or at least the general area from which he was shooting...
locutus12 said:
tonight i was playing Battlefield 2 with my clan on teamspeak and we were being shot at from a distance so i shouted out, "theres a sniper out there" to which my clan mate replied... "where..."

now, forgive me if im being a little hard on him as hes from the Deep South of North America, but i was under the impression that the entire purpose of being a sniper was to infact be as invisible as possible thus negating any need for his question... :rolleyes:

Entirely reasonable question to me, when I played BF2 you often knew where the sniper was when he hit you..
locutus12 said:
other ones include when you lose something and a person, usually a relative or partner will ask "where did you last have it" :confused: if i knew that, it wouldnt be lost...
oh and it's "Always in the last place you look"...

Of course it's always in the last place I look! Why would I keep on looking if i've already found what I'm looking for!

Can't remember which comedian said that but I found it quite amusing :D
Retorted said:
oh and it's "Always in the last place you look"...

Of course it's always in the last place I look! Why would I keep on looking if i've already found what I'm looking for!

Can't remember which comedian said that but I found it quite amusing :D

I read it on maddox :p I would post the link but uh, yea, rampant abuses :p
Hah, I was playing on my Xbox with a few mates, and one of my mates picks up one of the HUGE controllers and says,
"See, I know it's not an Xbox, but..."
"Uhh.. Yeah it is..."
"You know what I mean!"
"We really don't..."
Christ we were howling after that one :D

Same friend also has TERRIBLE spelling, and used to have a bad problem where he'd mix his B's and D's up. So imagine my laughter (as cruel as it may be) when I receive this message; spelling exactly the same!
"my babs gone out to get some sandwages form the dutchers"

*giggles like a little girl*

BillytheImpaler said:
It's the "of North America" bit that's getting me.

'The Deep South of America' would've cleared that one up very quickly.

As with the point of the thread... I've had various say some terribly stupid things in the past, generally when drunk.
I wouldn't hold it against someone to say something slightly incorrect whilst they're playing a computer game or because you're stereotypical ways deem him thick because he's from the Southern States of America.
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