Whats your ringtone?

Ring tone is a loop I cut from Racing Green by High Contrast, no idea what the SMS alert is as the phone hasn't been turned on in about 3 months.
Ringtone - Bananaphone (used to be magical trevor)
SMS - Palpatine from Episode 3 talking about the dark side of the force.
standard sony ericsson ones that are the default. Never seen any reason to change them, and i normally have it on silent vibrate anyhows.
Chorlton and the Wheelies - General Rintone,
Savage Garden, Random Song - The Wife,
The Simpsons (Theme) - My Mate (and/or his family),
Imperial March - My Dad,
Inspector Gadget - Another Mate (Gadget Freek!),
RunDMC, Its Like That - Nephew.


Cookoo Clock or Scott Mills "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR" - Text.

Did have Road Trips Mr T Saying "Mail MF" as the SMS but the wife told me off!!... :D
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Ring tone is the terrance and phillip clip from south park the movie where the ringing phone is thought to be a fart.

Message tone is: timmeh!!!
I've just switched from a normal ring ring to Kings Of Leon - The Bucket. The intro makes a great incoming ring. :)

But never mind the ringtone, I've got an absolutely awesome Super Mario theme on my k750i :D
Some irish bloke going "****, me mobile fones going off. pick it up for heavens sake." with folk music.
When it's the mother in law phoning, Imperial march from star wars plays.:)

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