What's your vice?

7 Sep 2005
Food? Alchohol? Paying for sex? Drugs? World of Warcraft? Coffee? Tea? Butt plugs? Spreading peanut butter over your nipples and having your dog lick it?

Those are all of mine.

Just kidding, I guess my vice would probably be gaming. Since about 8 I haven't been able to get over it and it often causes me social dysfunction when I've got a level to complete, or a goal to score. I just go off into my own world. Much to the dismay of previous girlfriends and family.

Seek; you don't have to reply if it makes you feel vulnerable.
For many years of the past decade, I would have said naughties in clubs.

Now it's more sex and gaming, lol!
Women and phones are my vices...not that i pay women lol but i cant stay single for too long before im out there launching my charm offensive to the ladiessssss:p

Phones and gadgets have always been my biggest vice though...spend far too much on them:p
Drinking, smoking, drugs. Just generally partying.
I have to go out on the lash at least once a week. And also go down the pub a few times.

If I don't I get angry or depressed, it's my release, some guys work out, some guys do track days, I party.
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