When is Gmail coming out of beta?

1 Aug 2005
Mmm just noticed that Gmail is still in Beta. Anyone know when it's coming out of this? When is it scheduled to go 'gold'?
Lysander said:
No serious replies.... gah. A pox on you all.

I don't know really, I have two gmail accounts and tbh it appears to be a very rock solid web based email account. I can't wait. My hotmail one is dying on it's feet with lots of "special offers" in its inbox.
MNuTz said:
id like them to add folders like in hotmail, hotmail sucks though.

Would defeat the object of what they are trying to achieve with it.

The 'label' system is brilliant IMO.
siloleth said:
Would defeat the object of what they are trying to achieve with it.

The 'label' system is brilliant IMO.

Gmail is, quite simply, excellent. They have revolutionised email and taken it to the next level.

No spam, you can open all attachments in your browser, fast spell-check, starring [I really need this feature], labelling system, lightning-fast search.... the list goes on.

When it does come out of beta it could be even better, but it seems pretty good as it is now.
Lysander said:
Gmail is, quite simply, excellent. They have revolutionised email and taken it to the next level.

No spam, you can open all attachments in your browser, fast spell-check, labelling system, lightning-fast search.... the list goes on.

When it does come out of beta it could be even better, but it seems pretty good as it is now.
Sounds to me pretty much like any mail client, aside from Outlook Express, which is anything but fast.

I quite like having all my mail categorised and filtered into specific folders.
There seems to be nothing "Beta" about Gmail, works flawless, dont seem why they aint removed the beta from the name to be honest.

Think its had enough testing now, and its open to all.
When Google Mail implemented receiving POP mail, their service simply met all my email requirements. I now have my email set up in Outlook for when I am at my machine and all emails being sent to Google Mail as well for when I away...

Such a nice and clean user interface and far better than the likes of Yahoo and Hotmail :D
I've had Gmail since the invites started flying around and not much has changed during that period, it was always stable. Not sure why its even in beta.
weringo said:
I've had Gmail since the invites started flying around and not much has changed during that period, it was always stable. Not sure why its even in beta.

They are adding new features all the time... they recently added the "receiving pop mail feature" I mentioned in my post above...
Danger Phoenix said:
They are adding new features all the time... they recently added the "receiving pop mail feature" I mentioned in my post above...
What I mean is they could have released Gmail and added the features along the way, when something is in beta it's usually to check for bugs and stability, it's clean from wha I have seen.
weringo said:
What I mean is they could have released Gmail and added the features along the way, when something is in beta it's usually to check for bugs and stability, it's clean from wha I have seen.

Yeah, that's true... maybe they will release it after they take over the world :p
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