When was the last time you cried?

2 Nov 2004
Mine was when I split up with my ex before last.

Were they tears of pain or joy? Was it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

Now you guys cough your confessions...
Hmmm, to my recolection January of this year :)

EDIT: Should read things more carefully :p

They were weird tears lol :D Not pain as such...........they were in December.........No, these were more like the feeling of loss and relief all at the same time. Really hard to explain. You miss something but at the same time glad its happened :confused: lol
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I cry at huge amounts of things for no particular reason half the time.
But the last time I remember crying in a way that felt like I had nothing and felt really alone and lost, would be when I found out in September last year that my friend had been killed. Felt really empty and low then...

Other than that I cry at stupid things and far too much. Suppose that's what I'd see as 'proper' crying for me.
I cry ALL the time, Im just too emotional :p

The last time was Saturday night when my dad called me. He called to say their cat Mog, that they thought had run away, came home, tears of joy obv :D:D:D:D
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