Whens the new Xbox 360 coming out?

11 Apr 2004
The one with HDMI and 120gb HD. Also Is it going to run quieter as I've heard the 360 makes a lot of noise. I'd wouldn't mind getting a 360 but I'd sooner have one with the bigger HD and HDMI for future compatibility. Can anyone tell me does HDMI send video and sound or is just video?

Well from what i've gathered reading certain sites and so forth, there's no actual word on a new console and it may just be speculation. But then again who's to know other than Microsoft.

I was waiting for one myself, but last week i couldn't resist picking up a premium for £200 so just bought it, i haven't been off it since getting it :D.
v1bez said:
Well from what i've gathered reading certain sites and so forth, there's no actual word on a new console and it may just be speculation. But then again who's to know other than Microsoft.

I was waiting for one myself, but last week i couldn't resist picking up a premium for £200 so just bought it, i haven't been off it since getting it :D.

A premium for £200 was cheap was is new or 2nd hand?
Darkaber said:
A premium for £200 was cheap was is new or 2nd hand?

It was new, only the bog standard premium package. I can't obviously say where, but it was with certain deals, points and so forth.
ic1male said:
And to answer your question about HDMI - it carries sound and video.

Thanks. I always wondered because when I go into high street shops and look at the back of HD TV's they always seem to have a HDMI lead connected as well as RCA phonos too.
I hope they don't take more advantage of this new processor, because they might leave everyone with the older style behind.

That's assuming the CPU is capable of more and not just a cooler/quieter one.

As for HDMI, I only have component and DVI and since I use DVI, I'll keep it with component.
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Memphis said:
All they are doing is shrinking the dye size, to reduce power and heat output.

Indeed, it's just a die shrink from 90nm to 65nm.

A console's archetecture is a closed system - they can't go then changing the specs by running it faster as then it is essentially a new console. It will have to remain clocked at 3.2GHz.
My 360 a noisy pile of rubbish compared to my jap ps3 the sooner microsoft update the 360 the better even my pc runs quieter.
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didnt ign say it was a rumor? :|

i dunno why people complain about 360 noise.. main aint half as bad as some people here say it is :confused: and liek you're in a game with music or w/e coming out speakers whilst playin so like who cares? :P
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