Where has the year gone?

22 Dec 2004
Rugeley, Staffs
Is it just me or has this year just flown by? it hit me yesterday i've been in my job almost a year :eek: only feels a few months ago that I started :(

Anyone else feel the same?
No idea where this year has gone, it's absolutely flown past.

Have fun while you're young everyone, before you know it the time will have passed :)
Since i left school in 2003, its all been a week.

feels like it, its like when i hear songs from that time i dont realise its like 4yrs.

my first year of uni zipped by, i know that ill be finished and look back the same way too...

oh well, enjoy the days
lemonkettaz said:
Since i left school in 2003, its all been a week.

feels like it, its like when i hear songs from that time i dont realise its like 4yrs.

my first year of uni zipped by, i know that ill be finished and look back the same way too...

oh well, enjoy the days

True about the school thing.

I seem to spend most of my life asleep. What a great life I have. :rolleyes:
West said:
True about the school thing.

I seem to spend most of my life asleep. What a great life I have. :rolleyes:

lol, ive been giving up my long lie ins in recent times...

spend too much of our life asleep.

the "noughties" have gone insanely fast, its all just a mashed fuzz of one year. in the 90s i could easily tell the difference between the years, not anymore
It only seemed like yesterday that I was sitting in a pub having Xmas dinner thinking about going to uni in Sept. Now there's around 30 days to go! I'm bricking it!
now that i look back i have realised that the last 5 years or so have just vanished. :(

i remember leaving secondary school in 2001 and since then the years have just gone past soo fast. am 23 the end of this year and i'm just realising that the next few years are going to be the same.
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