Where to buy a water pistol?

12 Jun 2004
I have until friday to find a decent portable water pistol (So this excludes hiring a fire truck or standing by a hose aiming at everything that moves).

Where do i source such a thing?
I'm also looking for one... however it needs to be cheap and as powerful as possible! And I need to be able to buy multiples as it's no fun when 1 person has a water gun and the other doesn't! Checked Woolies and all they had in stock were some pants supersoakers. Argos and Toys R Us have naff all in their online shops. Any other ideas?
Bah, Brighton is huge, i wanted some advice first BEFORE i went out in the bright sunshine -.-

Note: I am tanned, i am not a typical nerd/geek who never goes outside.

just have a pee on the person from behind and say it was warm water from your new water gun ;)

sorry, thats sick, on a serious note, try any toy shop really, they will sell small plastic water guns :)
Chris01 said:

just have a pee on the person from behind and say it was warm water from your new water gun ;)

sorry, thats sick, on a serious note, try any toy shop really, they will sell small plastic water guns :)

I would like you to cast your mind backwards when someone pushed you into the bushes when you were taking a wee and so you wet yourself.


Busy friday morning by the way? :o
Hey what happened? I remember when I was younger you could get HUGE water guns that cost about £30 and were great. They seemed to just make larger and larger versions....but what happened? All i can find are puny little one handed water guns that are oh so safe for little childrens eyes. Really they must have stopped making them because they might take an eye out or somthing silly like that. Soon there will be no fun toys any more...it'll all just be faom covered plastic that cant do anything...

ah well must be gettin old :)
SideWinder said:
I would like you to cast your mind backwards when someone pushed you into the bushes when you were taking a wee and so you wet yourself.

LOLOLOL, LMAO, i hate Colby, mind u i was well ***** by then, i found it funny at the time :o sort of...

no swearing. FF.



:p bringing back memories
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