Which 4gb ram to go with Asus P5k Deluxe

26 Jul 2005
Well it looks like the Q6600 G0s are almost here so time to finalise the rest of my components for the new build, I've decided on the Asus P5k Deluxe motherboard, but need to decide on what type of 4gb ram to go with it. I will be overclocking and water cooling the Q6600. (I'll be using 64bit Vista)

Has the current Crucial Ballistix still got the same high failure rate as the stuff they was selling (like my Ballistix Tracer) a year or two ago?
Because the 2x2gb kits aren't overclocking at all, and the 2x2gb PC6400 kits are a good £40 more expensive than buying two 2x1gb PC5300 Ballistix kits.
I'm running 4 x 1GB Ballistix PC5300 in my P5K Deluxe.

Seems ok so far, not really had a chance to fully test it out, but it seems to work ok.

I did have one faulty stick though, but Crucial's RMA is really good, sent it on the friday had it back on the Wednesday
Scoobie Dave said:
Has the current Crucial Ballistix still got the same high failure rate as the stuff they was selling (like my Ballistix Tracer) a year or two ago?

How would you define high failure rate?

Becuase some people have posted on here that their kits have been failing?

If that is what you mean, i wouldent cool that a high failure rate to be honest.

If people posted that their memory worked, guess ow many posts their would be of that? :)
I wish more ppl would post their good Ballistix experiences.

The Quad overclocking thread is no longer doing it for me...
Cob said:
I wish more ppl would post their good Ballistix experiences.

The Quad overclocking thread is no longer doing it for me...

4x1gig currently @ 900mhz @ 4-4-4-12 @2.0v

one set i managed to hit 1400mhz with: 6-5-5-15 @2.2v (may have gone further, but as the max fsb on the ram on this board IS 1400mhz... well, you get the idea)

4x1gig goes up to 1200mhz 5-4-4-12 @ 2.15v

All of the above were tested with orthos large ftt's for 8 hours... and no errors... ofc ;)

Hows that for you? :D
V|per said:
one set i managed to hit 1400mhz with: 6-5-5-15 @2.2v (may have gone further, but as the max fsb on the ram on this board IS 1400mhz... well, you get the idea)
Was that your old pair or the pair I sold (virtually gave away) to you?
that was my original pair ;)

but your pair still does 1200 @ 5-4-4-12 2.15v.. that's still pretty good :D
I got 2x 1GB sticks and 2 more on order :-)
4-4-4-12 @ 2.1v 7x460FSB (920)
5-5-5-15 @ 2.2v 6x560FSB (1120)
Hope my next lot is as good ^^ It arrives on Tuesday.
I'm probably going to go with the Blitz board rather than Delux.
I presume the Ballistix ram would still be the one recomended?
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