which biscuit is the king.

1 Jun 2006
when it comes to tea/coffee time which is the master of the biscuit world.
pls post which you have and y and if easy to get thanks.
For dunking purposes, you cannot beat a form of Ginger biscuit.

Otherwise, Hob Nobs are simply the best.
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trojan698 said:
Chocolate Caramel Digestives.

As much as I liked the idea, they were rubbish. It was like eating a softened digestive, only to be slightly redeemed by the caramel. Stick with the real thing ;)
Ice Tea said:
Tim Tam Slammer

is that when you bite the corners of a chocolate biscuit bar and use it to suck up the Tea or Coffee like a straw ?

Yep :cool:

The Chocolate Biscut is called a Tim Tam and they are made by a company called Arnotts :)
When it comes to Tea/Coffee and you really want a biscuity treat it has to be the Tim Tam/Penguin, biting the corners off and using it as a straw..
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