which case out of these two do i choose ?

22 Nov 2010
hey guys,

im looking for a full tower case to start my first time custom watercool loop in and because i just want a massive case :D lol

now my budget is £150 and i dont know which to chose out of the HAF X or elysium :(

im planning to keep the case for a very very long time so it needs to be future proof and hold a couple of big rads, as im thinking of watercooling GTX480's in SLI then will upgrade to either 580's or Keplar.

now i dont want to mod the case (well i can drill a few holes etc, but im not cutting lol) and will like a good airflow and cooling

my current system it will be housing and cooling

i5 760 @4ghz (mite upgrade to 2011 socket)
msi p55 gd80
corsair xms3 1600mhz
asus gtx480 (plan is to SLI in till prices drop :D )
antec kuhler 620 (will be removed due to custom loop)
antec true power 750w (will be upgraded to a 1000w)
seagate barrcuda 1TB 32mb

so what do you guys suggest ??
God nows, I really cant be bothered to find out any differences, I just know the Elysium is bigger and has more room for rads and the equipment inside.

You can always visit the manufacturer pages to see what features they have.
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