Which game controller do you use?

1 Nov 2007
I just bought an 8bitdo SN30 Pro+ to play games under Linux but wondered what other people used to play retro (and even current) games?
I started off using an xbox controller but it never felt right. I ended up getting a proper (but cheap) arcade joystick a few years back.
Having that different hand position makes all the difference.
I've got quite a few for retro gaming - I try to get as close to the original as possible.

8Bitdo - PC Engine 2.4ghz wireless controller
8Bitdo - SN30 Bluetooth and 2.4ghz controllers
8Bitdo - M30 Mega Drive controller (not too keen on this one)
Retro-bit - Mega Drive and Saturn controllers

I tend to use these on FPGA emulation systems (except the Saturn - I use these on an actual SS).
8BitDo N30 for NES, GB, GBC, GBA
8BitDo M30 for Sega MegaDrive, Sega Saturn and 32X
Playstation DualShock 3 for PSOne, SNES
Official GameCube controller with Mayflash adapter for GameCube, also have the Bongo drums
Official N64 controller with rumble Pak connected using Raphnet adapter
Fight stick for arcade

For current games I used a DS4 until I sold my PS4, so just bought myself an Xbox controller

For me it's all about the button placement, I wanted to get as close as possible.
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Started off with a XBOX 360 (Wired)
Then moved on to a a Hori real arcade Pro V Hayabusa for my massive arcade collection.
Then bought a 8bitdo SN30 Pro (Wired) and love it.
Whats a good budget arcade stick to get? Anything in Bluetooth?
I'm not sure on budget but the Mayflash arcade stick is supposed to be good but they're about £70. You could build your own, seems fairly straight forward to do. There are some good guides on YouTube.
can something like the mayflash take some abuse like it would in a real arcade cabinet in a shop?
Might want to check out some reviews on YouTube. I don't own one personally. I've never been that big on arcade sticks, although I am intrigued by the mayflash.

8Bitdo also do an arcade stick which is affordable.

Edit: Only works with the Switch and PC.
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