Which is the best low speed Quad Rad?



5 Oct 2008
Ok guys pretty much exactly what the title says i'm looking for a quad rad to go inside my v2110. I particulary looking for a low fan speed rad at the max the fans will only be shifting 65cfm (they will all be controlled by a bigNG so will be at 25% most of the time at most).

So pretty simply whats best XPSC, TC, TFC ? This is planning to become a near silent 4gig i7 just so u know. Also anyone have an idea why the XSPC is more expensive then the thermochill and why the tfc is that little more expensive than the TC?
Yea was my first thought but then ppl have said the XSPC is for low speed fans also (sub 8fpi). Also what cfm is the TFC designed for ? Also any idea why the thermochill is so much cheaper than the other two ?
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Thermochill has recently been bought by a combination of WCUK and XSPC 2 uk companys for the quad they have moved the spacing from the traditional thermochill to a more common 15mm...i have used FESER, XSPC, thermochill and HW labs RADs and tbh use the one that fits best in your case, there isnt a lot of difference between the top product from each. ( get the cheapest you can fit)...the best RAD i have ever bought has been the 360 GT stealth, why? because it fit into the space i had....and using 2000rpm fans and a fan controller gave me great cooling performance or quiet running as needed.

*its not the best RAD in performance terms
Well its going into the bottom compartment of my v2110 (tj07 design). So really space isnt a problem as they all fit in there a just need a good rad that is cool with large changes in cfm (as its gonna be linked to my BIGNG). So need something that can handle 0 to 60 cfm very well. Don't suppose u know what the best one for performance is at that range atm (as not sure anymore i always used to be tc always but just not sure anymore :P)? Also don't suppose u have had experiences of shrouds/gaskets? As thinking of using one as i have to say i am concerned about the amount of vibration this quad rad will put into my case (gonna be using the mounter that is used for the tjo7 but the fans and the rad are gonna be linked to bare metal) whats ur experience in that department ?
Use shrouds. Old fans with the hubs ripped out are fine for this. Gaskets mean rather less, I put pvc tape around the edges but I'm sure I don't need to.

Four fans at 1200rpm are louder than two fans at 1200rpm, are you sure you want a quad? That said, you can just turn some of the fans off in winter and on in summer etc.

I vote for feser. Main thing they have over thermochill is G1/4" tapped holes, so any barbs fit. I use them exclusively (three radiators now) and like them very much.

A quad radiator holds about two litres of water. It weighs about 3kg in total, it isn't going to vibrate. Far too much mass for the fans to shake about. If you can softmount the fans to the radiator do so, and provide photos of how you managed it. I'm struggling with that :)
I'm going to be using both and no u wont get any vibrations from the radiator but u will with the 4 fans attached to it along with using the tj07 mounting touching the floor of the case.

You have to remenber i not just going for performance im going for silence. I using this quad rad so i can keep my fans at a lower speed. I'm still thinking about how i could soft mount the fans. Probably what i will end up using is two sheets of metal with a gasket inbetween and then use that metal to attach the rad and fans to each plate with another gasket inbetween. That is the only way u could truely remove all vibrations coming into the main case. More than likely i probably just put some sort of damp mat underneath the stand and just remove it out of the problem all together. But anyway i probably still get the shroud and gasket just to make sure i have a little clearance and a nice tight fit to the rad.

Hehe oh and btw i dont have to change my fan speeds my pc does it for me :P. Damm i also keep forgetting i have only 9cm width so no shroud for me ah well :P
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You misunderstand. Fans are not capable of vibrating that much mass. Like you trying to shake a building, it just doesn't happen. If you like I will concede that the vibrations transferred are negligible rather than zero.

Four fans at minimum speed make more noise than two. If only two are needed to keep the overclock, then two are quieter than four and perform the same.

I am indeed capable of remembering that you have quiet in mind, are you capable of realizing that silence cannot be achieved if fans are spinning? Your solution is viable, but rather more effort than using soft mounting pins such as are sold by akasa. It will also fail to completely isolate all vibrations. If going to fabricate things anyway these will work better, the issue without making anything is fitting the pins to the radiator. Personally I screw the fans tight to the radiator and have no vibration issues, I hope you have plans for the pump.

Each and every one of us has a computer that will vary fan speeds. Whether it does it in agreeable fashion or not can be a bit hit and miss, hence the market for fan controllers. Not using a shroud is going to hurt noise levels.

If my tone is sarcastic it is because yours is patronizing. If English is not your first language, despite this being a UK forum, then perhaps this was not intended.
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could you fit a PA140.3? the increased size of the fans means they can spin slower and of course there will only be 3 of them so less noise, the only problem i can see is the lack of great 140 fans on the market.
Yea thats what i thought when i look at that area. Shame really hehe would be nice to have a quad 140mm rad would be massive (just shame u would have no decent fans to fit to it :P)

my fans run at 1000rpm on it, push more than enough air

current stress test im doing
furmark for the cards / prime 95 for the cpu
all on the same loop using a thermochill 480 and a passive thermochill 240

i7 920 @4.2ghz @ 1.264v @ 78'c
OCZblade @ 2000mhz
4890 crossfire @ 1000mhz/1000Mhz [both cards] @ 35'c

cant complain at that really

plus its much cheaper than most inferior rads
Another vote for Thermochill, cheaper than the other rads by a fair margin

I'm running my 920 d0, 2x mosfets and a nb/sb/nf200 block, testing 4.4ghz and getting max 80c load on my hottest core so far, 1.392v load

Thats on a 480 rad as well, enermax clusters running 8-900rpm
yea think i have decided on the thermochill it makes sense really. rjkon i hope i get as lucky as u and get a decent i7 d0. Decided on syche fans after reading bit tech. Can't wait to get it in gonna probably buy the stand u can get for it so i can place it in the bottom compartment with ease.
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