Which is the best PC games magazine in the UK?

I actually dislike Reddit's format n' layout, but for the most part you can get all the gaming related news you need by going to the "games" sub-reddit. Read through all the top posts and you're done, no need to wade through other people's opinions (most gaming related new sites are trash nowadays, they've all taken up some sort of agenda and their views n' opinions come across too much in their writing style.)

Twitter is a useful tool more than anything in my line of work for networking etc., but I follow a few game develops directly if I'm interested in their upcoming games, etc.
The forums, for sure.

If you want something amusing, checkout some of the online reviews on utube. I found "worthabuy" hillarious, though being fair, I also agreed with a lot of his points, if maybe not the delivery.

I laughed so hard at his review of Horizons and agreed with him and generally he is on the mark.

As far as magazines go, I used to enjoy reading PCFormat and was a long long time subscriber (probs back as far as 2008) but sadly it no longer exists but that was more geared for hardware but still a good read. Youtube for me now on reviews though.
PC Zone was the best and Charlie Brooker the best writer but it's gone now.

PC Gamer’s reviews are usually pretty reliable but I prefer Custom PC now.
Gaming sites:

I like RockPaperShotgun. it's PC-only, and has a lot of Indie stuff.

Eurogamer is good too. It's grown-up coverage, but a bit more mainstream as far as AAA games go, and covers the consoles.

IGN and Gamespot etc are junk.

There are others, Destructoid, Kotaku, Polygon... but I've never really tried them.

The Giant Bomb 'Bombcast' podcast is worth a listen. Never really used their website otherwise, though.

And Escapist! Zero Punctuation does the most entertaining reviews I’ve seen these days. Yahtzee is brilliant.

When I see some of those joke sites on Metacritic giving scores of 100% to games (nothing deserves 100%) I always need some Yahtzee to bring some balance back into the universe. He does not sit on the fence…
And Escapist! Zero Punctuation does the most entertaining reviews I’ve seen these days. Yahtzee is brilliant.

When I see some of those joke sites on Metacritic giving scores of 100% to games (nothing deserves 100%) I always need some Yahtzee to bring some balance back into the universe. He does not sit on the fence…

I think Metacritic takes a 5/5 score and converts to 100%. They might even do the same for a review which says "buy it" (as opposed to a recommendation not to buy it).

In any case, it's a pretty useless tool, metacritic.
PC Zone was the best and Charlie Brooker the best writer but it's gone now.

Charlie Brooker was (and is) a brilliant writer/cartoonist.

I remember a strip he did called the 'Cybertw*ts' which was hilarious - including one about has-been computer game characters (including a very frazzled PacMan - "Too many pills in the 80's")
Games mags, wouldn't buy them anymore. That's what the internet is for !

But yes, though I've got fond memories of things like 'ZZAP 64!' online seems to be where it's at.

The problem is identifying the best sites (which this thread has helped with) rather than impulse buys in WH Siths...

(thought I'd leave the typo :cool: )
I still love the feel and use of a physical magazine. I find I'm much more engaged with reading it than I would be on a website. Great toilet material as well!

That said, I've only got one mag sub and it's Evo(UK car magazine).

Gaming news is too immediate for magazines to do a whole lot to keep up. Though I have to say, EDGE is probably the best gaming magazine. It's not PC-specific, but there's no good PC-specific gaming magazine out there in general. I wouldn't want to be limited to just PC anyways. Too many other great things in gaming to be limited to just one platform, even if it is the best platform. But EDGE has some great articles and great physical quality. Another one that's surprisingly good is Game Informer. The articles are mediocre-to-good, but for the price I was decently impressed.
Big waste of money with information largely available online nowadays, check out Eurogamer, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and Kotaku. Few good youtubers around as well.
Big waste of money with information largely available online nowadays, check out Eurogamer, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and Kotaku. Few good youtubers around as well.

Is that because of the internet or state of play with pc market....The reason I say that is that you see a wide selection on the shelf in WH smiths for example of console mags.

Is Game Master mag still going....
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