which isp for 250-300gb allowance

25 Mar 2006
currently i am with freedom 2 surf unlimited with a 2mb speed, its an old tarrif but it is a monthly contract with no tie ins and its £25 a month, it really is unlimited as i can download as much as i want and have no problems downloading up to 300gb per month.

i want to change to a faster speed and better deal but anything i have seen is limited or has fair usage policy or is restricted at peak times, when im downloading it is 24 hours a day for days on end so needs to have no restrictions.

can anyone suggest an isp that truely is unlimited or a limit of 300gb and around the same price as my current £25 but with a faster speed. Or should i just stick with the package i have got.

I dont have cable so only usng my bt line for broadband

the bt checker says
Our test also indicates that your line should be able to support a potential ADSL Max broadband line rate of 5.5Mbps up to 8Mbps.
You won't find anywhere offering unlimited that really is unlimited for £25 a month on a Max product these days.

The various Entanet resellers (UKFSN etc.) offer a combined peak / off-peak product that will allow that kind of download but you'd have to restrict your peak usage.

Just to keep it in context, the wholesale price structures from BT mean that anyone using more than about 8GB per month needs a lot of other customers using less than 8GB per month to support them, so you can see that your usage isn't exactly at the profitable end of the scale for an ISP :)

Do check if there are any LLU operators at your Exchange though as somewhere like BE might suit you pretty well.
WotDa said:

Try their checker.

Also visit http://www.samknows.com/broadband/ and see if you can get an LLU providers in your area.

bethere is not available in my area and the availability checker on samknows says the only services available are bt wholsale adsl and bt wholesale max adsl.

that sux

i download month on and month off so one month is heavy and the next is just internet use as it takes me a while to enjoy my downloads but the month i do download its quite constant
WotDa said:

thanks for that, the packages available and would suit me are £20 and i would get 30gb peak and 300gb offpeak however i would need to be able to set newsleecher to start and stop during offpeak hours and no downloads during peak hours, im not sure if thats possible i im not very advanced at using newsleecher.

but if i can have it set to come on and off then those packages are certainly worth looking at.
They all sell the same product, its what you get with it that counts tbh, have a poke arround their sites, I've not looked for a few weeks and my memory of their stuff is lacking.

ADSL24 has recently been taken over by the guys at DSLZoneUK, Falconnet is the newest of the bunch, UKFSN probably the widest used on here and Vivaciti is also top notch stuff.
Some of them, like Vivaciti, don't just resell Entanet so if you specifically want to be using Entanet as the actual provider just be careful which package you take.
Teal said:
Some of them, like Vivaciti, don't just resell Entanet so if you specifically want to be using Entanet as the actual provider just be careful which package you take.

Good point, I forgot that. :o
Aquiss and UKFSN are the prime examples of two ISPs who resell Enta, but not to the same extent - Aquiss handle (that I can remember) billing and support (among other things) themselves, UKFSN the whole thing is run by Enta.
Yes. Aquiss have a whole team there dealing with support, billing and other services. UKFSN is (along with many others) a one man band.

I found that just having the forums on the Aquiss site worth the extra money for peace of mind. (Plus when I joined them UKFSN's site had a lot to be desired.)
Ok i have just called freedom2surf and requested a mac code and im going to sign up with ukfsn since it seems to be one of the most popular isp's on here. I will go for the home max 30 option with 30gb peak and 300gb off peak.

looking forward to the faster speeds and saving £5 a month, i now know how to set newsleecher to pause during peak hours so everything should be hunky dory.

thanks again for the sound advice
Trifid said:
UKFSN is (along with many others) a one man band.

Not anymore. It was all pretty much automated except for replying to support questions anyway

Trifid said:
(Plus when I joined them UKFSN's site had a lot to be desired.)

It still is, however http://domains.ukfsn.org/ is much better, and it may have lots to desire, but its easy to navigate, it has support articles that are easy to get to etc etc.

Edit, time to post the standard Enta links me thinks..


Check out http://billing.enta.net for a usage RSS feed.

More info on the RSS feed can be had on Entachoice, and a pic: here
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One thing which ever enta provider you go on expect slower speeds they normally kick in when the home off peaks start around 10 and you tend to be stuck on 2 meg till 1am ish, the office packages have a early off peak starting time of 8pm and i can't say i get any probs with speeds untill it hits 10pm, also remember all weekend is off peak to which i find great.
i got my email and mac code from freedom2 surf, i was shocked at this

Once you have migrated away your f2s account will be deleted from our database unless you retain another billable service within the same
account. You will lose all your free email, webspace and database

does this mean im going to lose my main email address and ill need to change it with all the websites it is registered too

if so that sux, i thought you could keep old email addresses going
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