Which one of these PSU's should i get? 800w, 900w or 1100w

5 Jan 2005
South East, UK
Hi - ive read reviews of this range of psu's and it seems reliable enough for me. I love the way the psu looks.


I am unsure as to what watt version to go for. Day 1 any of the ones I am considering will do - but i want something future proof. I thought my 450w supply was future proof when i bought it but here i am a few years later and its well underpowered.

Should I go for th 800, 900 or 1100w version? Is there any DISADVANTAGE to buying the 1100w one apart from price? Is the 1100w one overkill though?

I'm still really confused about which one of the three to get =/ Don't wanna overspend.. but definitely don't wanna underspec.

Is the 1100w going to be less efficient than the 900w one at outputs they are both comfortable with?
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System spec will be covered by ANY of those - and even much less. I just want to get something that will be a little future proofed without being over kill.. i did write that in my original post mate.. =/
Hi Andi - the modular 850 corsair was my original choice. However, i love the looks of the tagan. I know that's a bit dumb but i just do :)
ok kenny - well day one the specs are

gigabyte ud5 i7 mobo with i7 cpu which i am planning to oc to 4ghz
6gb ram ddr3
9800GTX+ gfx card
2 optical drive
3 hard drive

The graphics card is likely to become at least a 5850 but maybe a 5870 pretty rapidly and would eventually become 2x of those in crossfire (if i ever feel i can play games again on my pc - i have baby twins and the computer will be solely used for hd video editing and raw photo processing for now).
so does that mean i should go for the 800,900 or 1100 tagan ? :) or am i really giving up a LOT by passing on the corsair just for the name of fashion.
Seems like you've already made your mind up, regardless of what anybody else is telling you, so just get whatever you want.

if you read my original post you will see that im not asking about which brand of psu you to get :confused: i was simply asking which SIZE of psu to get.. ill get my coat :(
Oh is the enermax revolutions stuff really good then i.e. better than the competition? My current fan is a 450w enermax noisetaker and to be honest it's never missed a beat (but then i guess most fans just 'work')..

The enermax revolutions might not have the trick round led's on the modular cable connectors but it does have an LED in the cooling fan and from the product page it sounds like it's super high quality stuff.
Lol - dubcat's got bright-lights syndrome. I learnt about that in geography, it's where people travel to the city hoping to find work because they think the streets are paved with gold, then get stuck there and live in slums.

If you want something future-proof, go with a corsair. :p

No, as others have said above - 800W will run your current PC. And an i7 IS future-proof (particularly if all your disposable income is shortly to be spent on school fees :p). So yes - the 800W is good enough for the next (hazarding a guess) ~4 years or more. Depending on whether you upgrade at all. Obviously, if you change your spec massively, that PSU may no-longer manage. But that's common sense.

One final bid to lead you away from the shiny lights and onto something more popular (and therefore better) like the Corsair HX 850W as mentioned above? It comes with a draw-string corsair labeled bag :p.

EDIT: I think I over use the *tounge* smiley. Oh well :p

you cheeky sod.. ok i'll admit it.. i have gone a bit LED happy. But it's not for the reasons you think - I actually think it might be a mid life crisis. I turn 38 in a couple of days /sigh
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