Which phone for Vodafone Anytime 200 £30/month

6 Nov 2005
Missus cancelled her O2 contract and is wanting to join me on Vodafone.
Picked out the Anytime 200 Contract giving 200 mins and 500 txts.
She cant decide on the phone though.
I said to get the SE W810i as it's a good fone, and she wanted one with a good camera and all the SE 2MP camera phones IMO have great picture quality.
It has to be a free phone with that contract as she doesn't have any money spare to put towards a new phone at the moment.
Is that about the best she will get?
I'd recommend the SE K800i over the w810i although the w810i is a great phone.
The k800i has a 3.2 megapixel camera, only downside is it doesn't come supplied with a memory card like the w810i does.
Should be available free on that tariff :)
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