I have some solar garden lights. Some of these aren't currently working, so I pulled the batteries and tried charging them in my wall charger. They all got flagged as being faulty :/ So, since batteries are cheap enough, I'm going replace them.
The original batteries are 150mAh. Searching for new batteries, I can find lots of 2300mAh/2400mAh, then some 600mAh at a higher price. Can I use the 2300mAh batteries? I assume that the only thing to note would be that the batteries wouldn't ever charge to 100% due to the limited charging capabilities of the solar cells?
The original batteries are 150mAh. Searching for new batteries, I can find lots of 2300mAh/2400mAh, then some 600mAh at a higher price. Can I use the 2300mAh batteries? I assume that the only thing to note would be that the batteries wouldn't ever charge to 100% due to the limited charging capabilities of the solar cells?