Which Router?

3 Oct 2004
North East
Hi all,

Just had 20MB cable installed. There are 5 of us in the house and I have been looking at getting the WRT54GL and flashing with Tomato - Good plan?

The features of Tomato look excellent, and as I work in IT, I would like the whole network admin aspect of things, as I generally only deal with apps at work.

Any other options I could look into?


was going to suggest exactly that..

after installing tomato, remember to do the "clear nv ram" to clear out any remaining ghosts :D

Administration->Configuration->Restore Default Configuration->Erase all data in NVRAM memory(thorough)->OK
was going to suggest exactly that..

after installing tomato, remember to do the "clear nv ram" to clear out any remaining ghosts :D

Administration->Configuration->Restore Default Configuration->Erase all data in NVRAM memory(thorough)->OK

Champion - Thanks! What does that actually do? Just flush out any remaining settings from the old firmware?

Any Tomato tips people can give me?

I'm thinking of using the QoS options as I do download quite a bit of stuff, and it would be fantastic to have the HTTP port as top priority etc...
Set this up yesterday and I like it - sooo much better than stock firmware! Can anyone give me any tips, hints on settings and stuff?

i.e. - I am wanting to increase the range of the wireless and increasing the power (think it's the power) - What should I go to? Obviously I don't want it to die...

Also - settings like Frame-Bursting, and Turbo mode - most are set to disabled by default, should I enable these?
Set this up yesterday and I like it - sooo much better than stock firmware! Can anyone give me any tips, hints on settings and stuff?

i.e. - I am wanting to increase the range of the wireless and increasing the power (think it's the power) - What should I go to? Obviously I don't want it to die...

Also - settings like Frame-Bursting, and Turbo mode - most are set to disabled by default, should I enable these?

If you are going to be changing the transmiting power be carefull, because there are laws in place that limit the power of the devices, and even though it may physicaly be possible to increase the power beyond those limits you will be breaking the law.


use a different arial, when #Ive messed about with power settings before its knocked me or other people off dont understand why tbh, dont know if certain things could hack it I guess (maybe I changed a few other options as well)

Limit you ip range, personally Ive got 16 free addresses with 10 taken for peeps that are always at my flat and 6 for anyone that pops over every now and then that aren't static
Change your IP range to say 50-65 (make sure the peeps firewalls are all open to that range)
Static DHCP
Mac Filtering
check the frequency range (whos on different channels try and do this about your house / flat as your router wont pick up all of them) if there are some on 11 go to 7,6 or my favourite 1 :D
Open DNS thats always a win!
QOS (i need to get round to that eventually)
Im also just broadcasting on g doesn't make much difference but either way ( i have had some issues with the psp and n95 not working on g so you might want to change it back to mixed)
setup port forwarding for your usual stuff, games and so on (you wont have to for a lot of things but its always worth a shot)
stick to wpa2 if you have some issues with some of the peeps laptops connecting use wpa/wpa2
change the ssid
if you want to be a tad more secure use hidden ssid but that can be more of an annoyance to you when mates come around
make sure upnp is enabled !!!!
you may want to consider dyndns for some things like remote connection streaming etc
and flipping the internet upside down (for people that may break into your wireless network but dont have the correct mac)
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